Michael Calce Or Mafia Boy

Categories: Biography

Michael Calce

Michael Calce also known as Mafia Boy was a Hacker responsible for hacking Yahoo!, DELL, e-bay, CNN, ETrade in the year 2000. (HERSHER, 2015) At that time yahoo was a big multibillion dollar Company, his actions resulted in damage of around 1.2 billion dollars.


  1. Deontology: It is an approach which distinguish between right or wrong of a certain action. The actions of Michael Calce or Mafia Boy are wrong and illegal. It is important that the people who knows about Calce’ actions should report to the higher authority fulfilling their duty.

  2. Consequentialism: It is an approach in which a judgment of action is based upon its result. (HERSHER, 2015) Michael Calce hacked Yahoo and because of his action Yahoo was shut for 3 hours which resulted in Yahoo losing around 1.2 Billion USD. He then faced criminal charges had to face criminal charges and was restricted from using a computer while completing the sentence given to him by the judiciary.
  3. Pragmatism: It is an approach in which judgment of actions are based upon their practical applications.
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    In Michael Calce’ case his actions resulted in huge losses to the companies. The study of pragmatism suggests that the people’s belief develops over time. Calce’ works which were against the law is now morally unacceptable.

  4. Divine Command: The theory which says that the whole human kind must work under one ruler. It is illegal to penetrate in someone’s network without grant of access under divine command but Calce’ actions were totally opposite of that. He did penetrate into Yahoo, DELL, e-bay, CNN, E*Trade etc.
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    , by performing Denial of Service Attack (DDoS) (Mcmillan, 2008).


  1. Civil: The cases dealing with civil purposes only. Eg: Software Piracy The cases pertaining to non criminal activities for which the remand will be minimal. Michael Calce actions were of criminal activity. So, Civil law does not apply to his case.
  2. Criminal: The cases dealing with criminal activities which resulted in serious offence. Eg: Cybercrime (McCarthy, 2001) Michael Calce was sentenced to one year of probation and a small fine, as he was a juvenile.


  1. State: It refers to the court’s power and its territorial boundaries. It can take any legal decision which will be in effect in the state territory only. Michael Calce was arrested by the federal police, so, in his case state law cannot be applied. He was tried in federal court.
  2. Federal: It refers to the national level jurisdiction or the law which is abided by the whole nation (Every state of the country). A federal court can take a legal judgment which will be in effect in the whole country. (McCarthy, 2001) Michael Calce was prosecuted in the court and was sentenced to 8 months of lockup, one year of probation, restricted use of internet, and a small fine. He was a juvenile and was tried according to juvenile law of Canada.
  3. International: It refers to the court which has the authority to judge the matters in international level. For example, between two countries or people of different nationalities. He was tried in Montreal Youth Court. So, International Law cannot be applied in his case.


  1. HERSHER, R. (2015). Meet mafia boy, the 'bratty kid' who tried to bring down the internet. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2015/02/07/384567322/meet-mafiaboy-the-bratty-kid-who-took-down-the-internet
  2. McCarthy, K. (2001). Mafiaboy given eight months. Retrieved from https://www.theregister.co.uk/2001/09/13/mafiaboy_given_eight_months
  3. Mcmillan, R. (2008). Mafiaboy grows up: A Hacker Seeks Redemption. Retrieved from https://www.computerworld.com/article/2533517/networking/mafiaboy-grows-up--a-hacker-seeks-redemption.html
Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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Michael Calce Or Mafia Boy. (2024, Feb 12). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/michael-calce-or-mafia-boy-essay

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