Laboratory Report: Exploring the Anatomy and Function of the Heart

Categories: Science

The heart, a vital organ in the circulatory system, serves as a pump that propels blood throughout the body. This laboratory aims to identify and compare the size, shape, and tissue type of the major chambers and vessels of the heart. The focus is not merely on observing anatomy but on associating structure with function. The heart's role in the double circulation, the separation of chambers by valves, and the interplay of various components are essential aspects to explore.

Preliminary Questions:

  1. Heart's Surface:
    • The surface of the heart is muscular and exhibits a complex network of blood vessels.

      This muscular exterior serves to withstand the constant pressure generated during the pumping of blood.

  2. Oxygen Supply for Heart Muscle:
    • The heart muscle receives oxygen for respiration through the coronary arteries. These arteries branch off from the aorta, ensuring that the heart, the very organ responsible for pumping blood, is well-nourished.

Observation: External Anatomy - Do Not Cut Anything Yet!

  1. Identifying Right and Left Sides:
    • The heart is divided into right and left sides.

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      The left side, including the apex, feels firmer and more muscular than the right side. This asymmetry is crucial for understanding the heart's functionality.

  2. Superior and Inferior Vena Cava, Pulmonary Vein:
    • The superior vena cava, bringing blood from the upper body, and the inferior vena cava, bringing blood from the lower body, both open into the right atrium. The pulmonary vein, on the left side, brings oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium.
  3. Aorta:
    • The aorta, a muscular vessel, takes oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to the rest of the body.

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      It branches into arteries, ensuring the distribution of oxygenated blood. This emphasizes the heart's role in systemic circulation.

  4. Pulmonary Artery:
    • The pulmonary artery, located behind and to the left of the aorta, carries deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs for oxygenation.

External Views: Drawing and Analysis:

Front (Ventral) External View:

  • Draw a comprehensive and colored representation of the front view, highlighting the location of the superior and inferior vena cava, pulmonary vein, aorta, and pulmonary artery.

Back (Dorsal) External View:

  • Illustrate the dorsal view, emphasizing the spatial arrangement of the heart's major vessels and chambers.

Analysis and Discussion:

The external anatomy reveals the intricate structure of the heart and its vessels. Understanding the significance of each structure is crucial in associating the anatomy with the heart's function as a pump for blood circulation.

Laboratory Report Continuation: Internal Structures and Functional Correlations

Internal Structures:

  1. Right Atrium:
    • Dissecting further, observe the right atrium. Note the thin walls, indicating its role in receiving deoxygenated blood.
  2. Right Ventricle:
    • Examine the right ventricle, characterized by thicker walls than the right atrium. Understand its function in pumping blood to the lungs for oxygenation.
  3. Left Atrium:
    • Explore the left atrium, recognizing its thin walls that facilitate the reception of oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins.
  4. Left Ventricle:
    • Analyze the left ventricle, known for its robust and muscular walls. This chamber is responsible for pumping oxygenated blood throughout the body.

Functional Correlations:

  1. Double Circulation:
    • Correlate the internal structures with the concept of double circulation. The right side deals with pulmonary circulation, sending blood to the lungs, while the left side manages systemic circulation, distributing oxygenated blood throughout the body.
  2. Valves and Prevention of Backflow:
    • Investigate the valves that separate each chamber. Understand their role in preventing the backflow of blood, ensuring a unidirectional flow essential for efficient circulation.

Calculations and Formulas:

While this laboratory primarily focuses on observational aspects, certain calculations and formulas related to heart function can be incorporated. These may include:

  1. Cardiac Output:
    • Utilize the formula: Cardiac Output = Stroke Volume × Heart Rate to calculate the volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute.
  2. Blood Pressure:
    • Explore the relationship between blood pressure, cardiac output, and peripheral resistance using the formula: Blood Pressure = Cardiac Output × Peripheral Resistance.

This comprehensive laboratory provided a holistic exploration of the heart's anatomy and function. From external observations to internal structures and functional correlations, the study aimed to deepen understanding and foster an appreciation for the intricate workings of this vital organ. By associating structure with function, students gain insights into the physiological processes that sustain life.

  1. Tricuspid Valve Dissection:
    • Carefully insert dissecting scissors or a scalpel into the superior vena cava. Make an incision down through the wall of the right atrium and right ventricle. Gently pull the two sides apart, revealing three flaps of membrane. These membranes constitute the tricuspid valve, situated between the right atrium and the right ventricle. The flaps are connected to papillary muscles by tendons known as chordae tendinae or "heartstrings." This valve facilitates blood entry into the ventricle from the atrium while preventing backflow.

    Observations and Measurements:

    • Record observations and measurements of the tricuspid valve, papillary muscles, and chordae tendinae in the provided results table.
  2. Pulmonary Semi-lunar Valve Exploration:
    • Insert a glass rod into the pulmonary artery, ensuring it protrudes through to the right ventricle. Proceed to make an incision down through the pulmonary artery and inspect its interior for three small membranous pockets. These pockets constitute the pulmonary semi-lunar valves, essential for preventing blood backflow into the right ventricle.

    Observations and Measurements:

    • Document observations and measurements of the pulmonary semi-lunar valves in the provided results table.
  3. Mitral Valve (Bicuspid Valve) Dissection:
    • Insert dissecting scissors or a scalpel into the left auricle at the base of the aorta. Make an incision down through the wall of the left atrium and ventricle, following the dotted line in the external heart picture. Locate the mitral valve, also known as the bicuspid valve, positioned between the left atrium and ventricle. The valve comprises two flaps of membrane connected to papillary muscles by tendons.

    Observations and Measurements:

    • Document observations and measurements of the mitral valve, papillary muscles, and chordae tendinae in the provided results table.
  4. Aortic Semi-lunar Valve Examination:
    • Insert a glass rod into the aorta and observe its connection to the left ventricle. Proceed to make an incision up through the aorta, carefully examining the inside for three small membranous pockets. These pockets form the aortic semi-lunar valve, playing a crucial role in preventing blood backflow into the left ventricle.

    Observations and Measurements:

    • Record observations and measurements of the aortic semi-lunar valve in the provided results table.

Include detailed drawings or photographs of each internal heart structure, indicating the side from which the heart is being viewed. Label all identified structures for clarity.

This dissection provided a detailed exploration of the internal structures of the heart, focusing on the valves that regulate blood flow between its chambers. Observations and measurements were systematically recorded, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the intricate anatomy and functionality of the heart. The inclusion of drawings and photographs enhances the visual representation of the internal heart structures.

Updated: Feb 29, 2024
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Laboratory Report: Exploring the Anatomy and Function of the Heart. (2024, Feb 29). Retrieved from

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