Embracing the Digital Age: Exploring the Impact of the Internet on Society and Globalization

Categories: ScienceTechnology


„Right now, with social networks and other tools on the Internet, all of these 500 million people have a way to say what they are thinking and have their voice be heard.” (Mark Zuckerberg, American Businessman)

In the 21st century, can we imagine life without the Internet?

What would we do if suddenly all the links disappeared and we had to go back to what was a few decades ago when the Internet was limited to a few pages?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet, and how it has affected globalisation?

In my reflective account I will try to consider the above questions and show how the Internet is affecting me.

I think that the Internet is something that almost everyone uses nowadays, which is why it is worth to talk about it.

I remember my first meeting with the Internet. I got my first computer on the commune. I was nine years old then and my mother let me play an online game for the first time.

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However, she always kept an eye on the time I spend on the internet and controlled pages I visit. Thanks to her, I have never become addicted to online games and applications such a Facebook. When I was older and I was able to decide how much time I spend online, I always tried to keep it to a minimum to Focus on my hobby instead on the internet. Despite the existence of many platforms of series I was never interested in them and I preferred to read the book.

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The internet also a place where we can express our opinions. We must remember that no one is anonymous and we must be careful what we do.

Nowadays, we can find everything in the Internet. From news, via recipes to varied games. The invention of the Internet influenced the development of civilization. Excellent engineers and businessmen have created many websites that help us in our daily lives.

Firstly, internet connect people from whole world. We can make friends online. It is also great way to organize charity events and help in searching for missing people. The internet reach is enormous.

Secondly, we have easy access to information. We do not have to buy newspapers and listen to radio to find out what is going on in other countries as well as in our neighbourhood. Thirdly, internet has helped us during world pandemy. This is the source from which we learned about the restrictions, the number of people infected the coronavirus. It also allowed schools and universities to function. With good access, people who could do online work could stay home.

On the other side, internet is one of the biggest addictions. When I was a child, we spent more time in the field than in front of the computer. Today, young children choose online games instead of meeting their friends face to face. Secondly, internet applications as Facebook or Instagram are the habitat of various negative behaviours. There we can often meet with hate, racism or judging another person. There is also a lot of scamming. We are dealing with fake news. A few years ago was a loud affair about internet’s game „blue whale” where anonyms encouraged the mentally weak people to mutilate themselves and later to kill themselves. Another negative aspect of the internet is that it is not available to everyone. People living in poor countries or in difficult life situations cannot afford it. For this reason, they may feel inferior and excluded from society.

  •  Globalization and Internet
  •  What is globalisation?

„ Term that refers to the many ways in which countries are connected by transactions beyond the nation state boundary for example new communications technology.” (Source: Bill Jones, 2010, Dictionairy of British politics,globalisation page 134-135)

Without technology, globalization would probably not be a topic for discussion. In particular, communications technology, in which the Internet plays a major role, has revolutionized how people work, expanded the global knowledge base and provided a variety of ways of bringing people and cultures closer together. The Internet provides a platform where companies that are thousands of miles apart can communicate and share information. On a social and cultural level, the Internet provides access to the same music whether you are in Beijing, Boston or Beirut, and people can make new friends around the globe via social networking sites... (Source: Techwalla, article The Impact of the Internet on Globalization

In the passage I quoted, we can see how important the Internet is to humanity. It blurs the differences between cultures, religions, and everyone, regardless of where they come from, can find a soul mate.


According to me, using the Internet wisely and responsibly has many advantages. There is a lot of worth information and tools. Thanks to its availability I could learn a lot, and I keep connection with interesting people. I think that in a future it will be accessible to all.

Personally, I cannot imagine life without internet. I could not have done it without him. If people lost access to the internet, they would feel lost. Everything they did online they would now have to transfer to everyday life. It would be dificult for them because, as we know, on the internet everyone feels free and confident. With my friends from course I can share my internet experience and recommend how to keep control of how much time I spend online.

After I moved to the England, I started using the Internet more. It is a useful convenience for me because despite the miles me and my family can see each other on video chat.

However, we should not overuse the Internet. Instead of buying e-book or downloading PDF, let choose go to the library and just borrow a book that interests us. Rather than sending wishes messages online, we will simply visit a person if we have this possibility.

Updated: Feb 12, 2024
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Embracing the Digital Age: Exploring the Impact of the Internet on Society and Globalization. (2024, Feb 12). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/document/embracing-the-digital-age-exploring-the-impact-of-the-internet-on-society-and-globalization

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