Analysis of Skeletal Properties in Aging Mice: Insights from Multiple Studies

Categories: BiologyScience

This paper analyses multiple theories throughout varies papers concerning mice’s skeletal properties through muscle mass and bone quality for aging mice. The first paper Effects of Daily Restraint with and without Injections on Skeletal Properties in C57/6NHsd Mice by Rachel A Larsen and co-author is Matthew R Allen, talks about studies being conducted about animals being injected with placebo. Placebo has a controlling effect over the rodent once supplying it with the injection.

This drug has a psychological effect on patients or animals.

This injection is supposed to show the behavior and corticosteroid levels in rodents. The placebo will indirectly affect the stress hormones of the animal. In this experiment they’re wanting to see if giving a daily dosage of the injection of a placebo, then it would not alter the bone mass drastically in any way. Further, into this paper, we move on to a different topic, but in the same realm. Age and sex-dependent role of osteocyticpannexin 1 on the bone muscle mass and strength, is about the short-term weight-bearing exercise throughout the growth process would have an exceptional impact on the cross-sectional geometry and mechanical skills of male mice'sfemora and tibiae versus female mice's reaction.

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The workout composed of running on a treadmill for 30 minutes a day, 7 days per week for 21 full days. That lane of the treadmill was mounted at the rear of the belt with a customizable-amperage shock grid to stimulate that mouse to run more efficiently than all others. Both mice were operating without any need for shock stimulation, by the end of the second day of the experiment.

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Finally, the last paper Cx43 Overpression in Osteocytes prevents Osteocyte Apoptosis and Preserves Cortical Bone quality in Aging Mice as Davis addresses in the experiment. The experiment is used to test the method is used to study mature mice who lack Cx43 in osteocytes that show significant apoptosis of osteocytes and weakened bone density, similar to the previous mice's phenotype.

Effects of Daily Restraint with and without Injections on Skeletal Properties in C57BL/6NHsd Mice

Placebo is a compound that scientist uses to inject animals or humans to see the physiological and organ systems reactant. Using this compound, the usual purpose of a placebo is to see the effectiveness and corticosteroid rates in mice are to monitor any potential effects induced by the treatment and injection of laboratory animals. Placebo indirectly affects stress hormones in most experiments. Most that have used placebo results become unclear on studies that focus on stress hormones.

Bone is an organ that undergoes the renewal process every day. Sometimes it breaks down, which leads to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a delict process, Where bones shed weight and mechanical properties, culminating into a fracture. Since rodents are used as models of medical testing, their genomic, skeletal biology, biochemical and behavioral traits closely resemble those of humans, and many human condition symptoms can be repeated in mice and rats. It’s a slow process, but it’s highly effective. The control group with no manipulation contains a placebo. This is to see how fast the bone changes and breaks down. It’s less likely for it has a stress factor component. In doing so, we can see the effect of daily dosage with and without placebo doses on female mice. The scientist had come up with a thought process and it was injecting the rodents regularly would not drastically alter mechanical properties or bone density compared to non-intervention control.

In this experiment, they had brought in sixty female mice that were eight weeks of age. Twelve cages and five mice in a cage to split them up. Four cages were put in a category in one of the experimental groups which were, “...animals that were only handled during weekly cage changes, (control, n=20); animals that were restrained but not injected 5 days per week (SHAM, n=20); and animals that were restrained and given an intraperitoneal (IP) injection (0.15 cc 0.9% saline solution) 5 days per week (injections, n=20). SHAM and INJ mice were given their respective treatments between the hours of 9 am and 12 pm Monday–Friday throughout the experiment period” (para 3). SHAM is a psychological deficient used on the animals. It’s for the animal to have a reaction to the injection but using a syringe capped. The SHAM mice were injected using a syringe as if they were being really injected with a placebo on their abdomen. This experiment lasted up to eight weeks. This producer was done on a typical dorsal neck scruff, control was performed one handly. The INJ mice also went through the same concept but were actually injected. They were injected with saline IP injection, and after this process, they were put back in the cages and checked and weighed weekly to see any altercation have had occurred.

After the eight weeks were up and collected all the data that was needed for this experiment they compared and analyzed the outcomes. After discussing with one another about the reactions towards the mice, they had come up with the realization and data pattern that both groups of mice were squeamish and scared towards any pressure or movement that wasn’t of their own. This procedure took place under a labconco fume hood and hand place not even on the animals, but next to mice.

Blood samples were collected at the end of that experiment and were anesthetized using isoflurane. The mice inhaled 0.5 L/min oxygen. Body parts that were recorded were liver, heart, thymus, and spleen. The blood was separated and pecked with blood serum and whole blood. The whole blood count (mL) the exact number of neutrophils and the total number of lymphocytes were all measured. Each group was getting blood run by using an automated machine. Prior to the measurement of plasma corticosterone amounts, the serum sample was frozen at −80 ° C.

In displacement regulation at a rate of 0.025 mm / s, bones were checked for loss in4-point bending while being hydrated with PBS. Structural and evident material properties were calculated using a custom the MATLAB program. Apparent material properties were obtained from the use of regular beam bending equations for four-point bending and miCT geometric data. The method of dosing animals in preclinical studies will take considerable effort and costs. Researchers commonly use saline dosing in the control groups, and although rarely explicitly stated, the likely reason is to take into account the impact of handling or injection on the benefits result. After an 8-week study time period, the data clearly shows there was no influence of saline injection on skeletal morphology or mechanical properties. This clearly indicates that non-injected animals are a reliable guide for the bone structure and fundamental mechanical structure dosing on mice.

Age and sex-dependent role of osteocytes pannexin1 on bone and muscle mass and strength

This paper addresses the short-term weight-bearing activity that would have an extraordinary effect on the cross-sectional structure and mechanical abilities of the femora and tibiae of male mice against the response of female mice. The routine consists of running for 30 minutes a day on a treadmill, for 21 full days seven days a week. The treadmill lane was fitted with a customizable-amperage shock grid at the back of the belt to encourage the cursor to run more efficiently than any other. By the end of the second day of the trial, both mice worked without any need for shock stimulus. It also talks about how Panx is related to mice. Pannexin 1 is the most specific member of the protein family of pannexin and its production of mRNA in all bone cells has been identified.

Deficient mice were developed and, relative to wild type mice, Panx1 deficiency does not change the cancellous bone structure in the distal femur. Increases intracortical resorption in the mice for a wild type, this is not found in Panx1 deficiency due to fatigue loading. It is uncertain on the bone alteration or the mechanical properties. In response to various factors including mechanical stress, Panx1 ligands, low oxygen concentration, Panx1 channels are permeable to ATP and accessible. Panx1 channel opening has been due to improved selective membrane permeability in the early stages of apoptosis. Small molecules, including nucleotides, are then emitted via Panx1 channels. ATP, a nucleotide of this kind, can then function and can act as a chemotactic to send signals to the cells. In fact, it is suspected that apoptotic osteocytes attract osteoclasts, resulting in guided bone resorption.

There is also proof that osteocyte viability affects bone mechanical properties with enhanced apoptosis of osteocytes under conditions of elevated bone fragility; conversely, decreased the apoptosis of osteocytes is correlated with therapies that improve bone mechanical properties. Cells release factors in vitro to the culture media (conditioned media) that promote osteoclastogenesis, and avoidance of osteocytic cell apoptosis reversed the rise in the development of osteoclasts caused by osteocytic cell-conditioned media. In fact, in the established medium of bones from old mice (21-months), there is higher osteoclast causing development than from young mice (4 months). Apoptosis inhibitor treatment of these bones decreased both apoptosis and osteoclast-inducing behavior.

In order to test the potential role of Panx1 channels in skeletal aging, we have produced Panx1 lacking mice in cells that express the 8 kb fragment of the DMP1 promoter, which we have previously shown to remove genes ideally from osteocytes. The deletion of Panx1 has small but significant impacts on bone mass, which is more noticeable as the age of mice. Unexpectedly, osteocytic Panx1 deletion increased muscle mass in young female mice, but not in male mice, even though Panx1 was not eliminated from skeletal muscle in the model. Their findings suggest that osteocytic Panx1 can mediate the impact of osteocytes in an age-and sex-dependent manner as regulators of bone and muscle mass.

Deficient mice Panx1 in osteocytes had no significant anatomical anomalies and showed similar cartilage and mineralized bone distribution at birth to Panx1 in qualitative terms. Aging resulted in increased mRNA production of Foxo3, Cdkn1b / p27 and Ddit3/GADD153 genes correlated with apoptosis. In cortical bone preparations with control Panx1 mice containing osteocytes, consistent with the rise in TUNEL positive osteocytes reported in 14-month-old wild mice. The deletion of Panx1 from osteocytes spontaneously blocked the development of all genes associated with apoptosis examined in female mice. Since the study of gene expression was performed using whole tissue, however. It is not possible to determine the type of cell that is being apostatized.

The data that came back made caused a realization that the deletion of Panx1 in older female mice resulted in higher bone mass and strength. Panx1 elimination also reversed the rise in apoptosis-related genes in the 13-month-old mice, giving more evidence to the link between apoptosis of osteocytes and decreased bone strength. Furthermore, there is still to be established in the process that mediates the proapoptotic influence of Panx1 channels. To sum up, the studies indicate newly identified functions in bone and skeletal muscle osteocyticPanx channels. The findings also indicate that osteocyticPanx has a role to play in bone remodeling rather than modeling, influencing bone structure and strength with aging rather than growth. The new report's data suggests the possibility of using Panx1 channel antagonists to reduce the skeleton's deleterious effects of aging.

Cx43 Overexpression in Osteocytes Prevents Osteocyte Apoptosis and Preserves Cortical Bone Quality in Aging Mice

The research approach is used to examine mature mice who lose Cx43 in osteocytes that show significant osteocyte apoptosis and reduced bone density, similar to the previous phenotype of mice. Mature osteocyte mice with Cx43 also raised osteocyte apoptosis and decreased bone strength substantially, close to the phenotype of the old mice. However, Cx43 bone production decreases with age, implying a connection to age-related skeleton changes to diminished Cx43 levels. Numerous studies indicate that the vast osteocyte network within the mineralized bone matrix plays an essential role in orchestrating bone remodeling by adjacent osteocytes ' cell-cell contact with cells on the bone surface. Osteocytes regulate intercellular interaction with distant cells through the extracellular secretion of molecules and cytokines through hemichannels generated by connexins (Cx) and directly with adjacent cells through void junction connections created by connexions on the surface of adjacent cells.

On a 12-hour light / dark period, mice were given a daily diet and water ad libitum. Mice were born at the predicted Mendelian age, were pregnant, and showed similar size and weight at birth to littermate wild-type (WT) mice. Skeletally mature female mice aged between 6 months and 14 months were used. Our 6-month-old mice are equal to 20-year-old humans based on published data, whereas the 14-month-old mice are comparable to middle-aged humans at the end of their reproductive stage of life (approximately 58 years old). Mice obtained intraperitoneal injections of calcein (30 mg/kg) and alizarin red (50 mg/kg) 7 and 2 days prior to euthanization, as written, for detailed histomorphometric tests. It discarded the first digestion and pulled cells from all other digestions. GFP-expressing cells have been isolated from GFP-negative cells by using a FACSAria flow cytometer to arrange the cell suspension.

In order to test the impact of Cx43 rates on osteocyte viability and bone homeostasis in older mice, a transgenic mouse model was created that expresses a DMP1‐8kb‐Cx43/GFP transgenic primarily in osteocytes. Research from our laboratory shows that Cx43 is essential for osteocyte survival and elimination of osteocyte Cx43 contributes to a skeletal phenotype close to that found in aging with changes in osteocyte apoptosis and increased osteoclast recruitment, as well as deficits in cortical bone material properties. Researchers explored the contribution of osteocytic Cx43 to the skeletal phenotype of the aged mice using Cx43OT mice expressing Cx43 transgenic targeting DMP1‐8kb‐expressing cells in this study.

These show a significant decline in apoptotic osteocyte prevalence in the cortical and to a lesser extent in the 14-month-old Cx43OT cancellous bone compared to WT mice. Further showing the critical role of Cx43 in sustaining the viability of osteocytes. We have observed that reduction of osteocyte apoptosis in aged Cx43OT mice was followed by improvements in bone remodeling with enhanced development and reduced resorption along the endocortical bone surface. Although this did not change the anatomical modifications of the long bone affected by aging. Improvements were found at the substrate level in the cortical mechanical properties.

Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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Analysis of Skeletal Properties in Aging Mice: Insights from Multiple Studies. (2024, Feb 22). Retrieved from

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