Barbie Dreamworld: Glamorous Adventures and Girly Escapades

Categories: Barbie

I noticed it’s been a while since I posted a challenge entry or even participated in any challenges within the community. So when I saw this challenge, I thought it was the perfect one for me to participate in. So let’s get into my interesting entry to this challenge.But I can get more specific than that. Barbie has their own tv shows. And I’ve watched both. And in comparison I find ‘Life In the Dreamhouse’ to be a little more what I’m picturing in terms of what it looks like.

So if you haven’t seen it, you probably should.

What does it look like? As a kid, I always loved playing with barbies. It wasn’t until I was 15 that I stopped playing. It was a part of who I was, and if you ask me, I still love barbies. With barbies you can be anyone you want, live this whole other life. Kind of like this challenge.

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For me, I picture the Barbie world to kind of look like the inside of a Barbie dreamhouse.But if you don’t plan on it. I’ll summarize. I picture the Barbie world to be this glamorous, stylish and girliest place ever. Girls would overpopulate the males, obviously. There would be so much to do. Shopping, pool parties, etc. How will you access it? This one I had a hard time thinking of. How would one go about accessing the Barbie world? A door? No, that’s too cliché. Instead I thought of something a little more glamorous.

In order to access Barbie world, you’d have to buy a Barbie doll. Then on the back of your Barbie doll would be a code. That code is your assigned identification number so you can get into Barbie world. After you have the code, you’d call the number on the back of the Barbie box. They’d ask for your code, once you give them your code you’d have access to the Barbie world through the phone. Meaning you’d get teleported. Like a summoning for yourself.

But you’d have to have a specific phone. Like this.Couple of other random people from across the globe in Barbie world. Suki would be in Barbie world too. She would be a part time model and probably best friends with Barbie. I would picture her looking like this if she were a Barbie. Who will be there?

This one won’t be too specific. But of course Barbie herself, the original. Her sisters, and Ken. (The Following image is what I picture Barbie to look like if she was real)I would also picture Suki having some man candy. So here’s what I picture he’d look like.Mary would be in Barbie world. And I picture she’d adopt all the Barbie cats, of course. We’d run a cat cafe together. But this is what I picture her looking like as a Barbie.Lastly, there’s me as a Barbie. I would be spending my time in a cat cafe with Mary most times. But when I’m not doing that, I’d be pursuing my music career.I hope you enjoyed reading this Barbie world universe. It’s probably the girliest post I’ve ever made.

Updated: Jan 25, 2024
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Barbie Dreamworld: Glamorous Adventures and Girly Escapades. (2024, Jan 25). Retrieved from

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