Advantages of Technology: Amazon’s Helper Alexa Review

Categories: Amazon

Most people already using Alexa in their homes are deeply in love with it, even without being aware that they are not using 50% of the what Alexa is capable of doing. If you are a business person, you will be aware that time is your greatest asset. You are constantly jogging both business and personal activities daily, trying to meet with crazy timelines while keeping in touch with your favorite business news updates, audio messages, or even a podcast on thought leadership and other general information.

The huge sale of Alexa-enabled devices led to the increase in the number of solutions and applications that were developed on the Alexa platform. Alexa Flash Briefing is one of such solutions and its key function is to provide a swift overview of preselected contents which could include interviews, business news, comedy and other available contents. The tremendous increase in the competition between the world’s biggest tech giants which include Apple, Google and Amazon, jostling for larger stakes and control in voice enablement has resulted in increase in the development of contents on their respective voice-enabled devices and platforms.

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Amazon’s Alexa briefing which has captured the hearts of many users because of its ease of use is a micro-podcast that can be conveyed and distributed via an Alexa-enabled device which can be an Amazon Echo, or Amazon Dot, or any Amazon virtual personal assistant at regular interval. The major difference between podcasts and flash briefings is that flash briefings are usually very short, lasting between a minimum of 4mins to a maximum of 8mins, unlike the conventional podcast that can last one hour in length.

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Hence, many content marketers are leveraging on this new marketing channel made available on the Alexa voice platform by Amazon, to create Alexa flash briefings as this platform enables these content marketers or publishers to push their content to a larger audience, and increase the number the number of people listening, which has made content creation easier for these content marketers or publishers, as this has drastically reduced the time for recording and editing video content. Flash briefing has made content creation a lot easier as you can now either record your flash briefing content or send your content in text format and have it converted into Alexa’s native speech, this can be updated periodically which can be hourly, or daily or weekly, or even numerous times a week using a free software for production, thus the total cost incurred in producing your flash briefing is very low.

Building your personal Alexa flash briefing is quite easy and can be completed under one hour, you can either use Audacity or Amazon AWS for your content creation. While Audacity is a free software, Amazon AWS is not totally Free. Audacity is an easy to use platform that you can download to your personal computer for first recording your audio content and then proceeding to edit it, it is available for free for both Linux, Mac and even Microsoft operating system.

Works cited

  1. Johnson, R. (2019). Alexa skills and flash briefings for business: A comprehensive guide to understanding and leveraging Alexa skills and flash briefings to grow your business. Independently Published.
  2. Moore, D. (2020). How to create and publish an Alexa flash briefing: A comprehensive guide for content creators. Independently Published.
  3. Smith, M. (2018). Flash briefing blueprint: How to create, launch, and monetize your flash briefing skill on Amazon Alexa. Independently Published.
  4. Tuhovsky, P. (2019). Voice marketing with Alexa flash briefings: How to use Amazon Echo smart speakers to build your brand and reach more customers. Independently Published.
  5. Atkinson, J. (2018). Alexa: 1000 best things to ask Alexa: Helpful and amusing questions you can’t do without. Independently Published.
  6. Clark, M. (2020). Alexa flash briefing blueprint: Create your own flash briefing skill using Amazon Alexa. Independently Published.
  7. Smith, R. (2019). Alexa skills blueprint: Create your own custom skills for Alexa. Independently Published.
  8. Davis, A. (2020). Building Alexa skills for voice assistants: How to develop skills for Alexa, Google Assistant, and other voice platforms. Manning Publications.
  9. Amazon. (n.d.). Alexa Skills Kit.
  10. Audacity Team. (n.d.). Audacity: Free, open source, cross-platform audio software.
Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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Advantages of Technology: Amazon’s Helper Alexa Review. (2024, Feb 22). Retrieved from

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