A View on the Social Impact of the Social Websites

Facebook has been a new trend in recent years, among other virtual websites. However, in recent years this particular websites has been popular in people especially young adults, and children. People use Facebook to connect with their friends, to see what's happening in the world and to keep up to date with the technology. Here are some of the reasons why people use Facebook and other cyber chat rooms. But, however another reason is why, people are using Facebook to check other people's background checks and look's into their past.

Meaning this is the virtual cyber world of chat rooms is getting popular, and is increasing vastly and becoming a world epidemic. Because, of people wants to be connected with their social lives. These websites are making easier to do that, so, that they can connect with their friends around the world. Like Twitter, MySpace, and other websites these websites can be helpful when it comes down to stay connected or self- promoting themselves to get known.

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According, to the Facebook Is Fun for Recruiters, Too Article By Jennifer Waters, this article makes the potential employee wonder about his, or her own background check based on their virtual websites and chat rooms. The next time applicant applies for a job position; they should not be surprised if they have to submit to a social media background check.

Many United States of America companies and recruiters are now looking at the users Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and other accounts and blogs, and even YouTube to have a broader and a clearer picture of who they are according to this article.

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Mr.Drucker, whose is a chief executive of Social Intelligence, a consumer- reporting agency, stated in the article named Facebook Is Fun for Recruiters, Too that "Almost all employers do some form of background screening because they have to avoid negligent hiring," "An employer has an obligation to make the best effort to protect their employees and customers when they hire."

Not only does he believe that the employers have the right to do some background check on their candidates, but now so does the Federal Trade Commission has decided that the companies has the right to invade how people spend their personal quality time and what are their passions and hobbies. Despite these facts the Federal Trade Commission do not think that these actions does not violate the potential employee privacy at all.

The agency recently investigated Social Intelligence, found out whereabouts to certain people information. Another thing, to add they can found out the possible candidate(s) information that could be very sensitive, and harmful to them in the future, on the Internet for the information, pictures and comments you freely share with the world and sells it to your potential employers. The FTC found a company with a large sum of complaints with the Fair Credit Reporting Act. In other words, the Internet is fair game to most Individuals.

In the article Kim Harmer stated, who is a partner at Harmer Associates, a Chicago-based recruiting firm, that "When someone puts their public life out there publicly, it's there to be evaluated," "You find out lots of things about people just by Goggling them."

So all people from different walks of life not just people who are looking for a job but people who have a virtual site must be careful because once you post something the web, it stays on the web no matter what. Whatever, things that people do it can be leaked out for everyone to see? For example, if some person put vulgar and explicit pictures of them and send it electronically to someone that individual can pass it to their friends and so on, and before you know it would be spreading like wildfire. But there is some good news for the person who sends the vulgar and explicit pictures of themselves - most potential employers, and candidates oversee those provocative photos...

Did you know that most employers and consumer-reporting agencies will look past them, unless, of course, you're underage? "I look at their Facebook and see how they approach what they put on it," says Ms. Harmer.

Does she think "Is it immature or appropriate or inappropriate? She is not judging based on their activity but she is looking at how they communicate what they do and their thoughts and their judgments to the public as a reflection of what they will do with clients and team members, and how can the possible candidate can work hard and be asset to the company."

Another statement that was found that this article by Mr. Drucker was about how only searches for what the companies direct him to find and stays away from giving employers information that might be considered discriminatory to the hiring process. He basically stated, "Employers, for example, cannot legally make hiring decisions based on the individual race, religion, marital status or disability".

"But they can make decisions based on whether or not they like your attitude or your ethics that includes their work and their work values and how they will be a wonderful team leader”.

A Social Intelligence report to a company would include racist remarks, sexually explicit photos or videos, or flagrant displays of weapons or illegal activity, Mr. that your decision to post a naked picture of yourself might not go over well Drucker says with a potential employer. "That might not be relevant to the job, but an employer gets to determine if that's the kind of person he wants representing his company," Mr. Drucker says. "We don't make the decisions. We just generate the reports."

He says he has been surprised by how many racist comments and flagrant displays of drug use people post online. "It's not just smoking marijuana. It's snorting cocaine, talking about doing Ecstasy on Twitter or a forum or message board, showing it in photos or video-sharing sites," he quoted in the article.

This type of response does not surprise majority of the people, the profile of the specific user type whatever they feel like saying without thinking how they are saying sensitive. Also, they are degrading things about other people of different ethic backgrounds form them.

In some companies are mining photo, and video gathering sites using facial- recognition software, In beginning of the article. Here is a valid gives a valid example of when someone were among those rioting in, New York, New York City the streets of Wall Street for the Human Rights against mega corporations.

For another instance, a potential boss could find you the same way the police tracked down those responsible for some of the protesters violent behavior being verbal or nonverbal altercations because of the economic downfall and the turning point of the recession as seen in the pictures, videos and etc, in the media.

In the second page of in the article John Challenger, whose works for a Outplacement-consulting firm, as a chief executive for the corporation named the Challenger, Gray & Christmas, says that' We (the corporations employers) are going from the Web being a place of extraordinary anonymity to a place where your every movement could be traced if someone's taking pictures of you and posting them," says John "Job seekers need to be careful because of that. He is basically saying that within that moment when people do put racy pictures, statements about something and someone, that will probably can cause some negative attention for that company that the person works for.

Not only, the potential businesses relationship the company might have. But it also shows how potential employees also need to know that not all companies use reporting agencies like Social Intelligence.

However some corporations and businesses take a less cheaper approach to getting information about the specific person. Some of the things, that people can do to protect themselves from any negatives results from a background checks it not post anything up that you do want the public to know or hear about. Be careful, of your actions you what say because people can interpret it a whole different way, and perhaps have variety of different consequences.

Next, do keep you chartrooms, data appropriate and professional looking, a potential employers wants someone who they think will do an outstanding job and be professional worker. And please do not forget that people can do a background check and found out any information on anybody, especially from technology and devices now days.

Updated: Mar 26, 2023
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A View on the Social Impact of the Social Websites. (2023, Mar 26). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-view-on-the-social-impact-of-the-social-websites-essay

A View on the Social Impact of the Social Websites essay
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