A Trip To Moon by Apollo 1969

Categories: A Trip To MoonMoon

The purpose of the article Man Takes Fist Steps on the Moon by The Times is to announce to the audience the greatest moment of time, which is the moment when Neil Armstrong became the first man to take a walk on the moon’s surface.

The interaction that the speaker, audience, and subject develop affects the text in a way that it accomplishes the purpose The Times had, and it also makes the text more interesting.

The purpose of the following speech revealed in 1999, prepared by President’s Nixon’s writer, William Safire is to honor these brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin for doing such a dangerous job of going to moon and be the first men to step on the moon’s surface. The text was affected because the audience understands and connects with the speaker on what he is trying to say. It gives the text a sense of consolation and that makes it easier for the audience to connect.

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Novelist Ayn Rand’s commentary The July 16, 1969 Launch: A symbol of Man’s Greatness first appeared in the Objectivist has a purpose and is to tell the audience how amazing man can be, and although men are so little compared to the huge they do, something as wonderful and amazing like landing on he moon can be accomplished. The interaction among speaker, audience, and subject affects the text by making the audience feel the same way as the speaker, that feeling of being amazed of what humans can do and being proud of it.

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It accomplishes the purpose that Ayn Rand had.

The cartoon Transported by Herblock has a purpose, the purpose is to show the audience how focused everybody was on the moon landing that they forgot how chaotic the world was and still is. Poverty, war, and prejudice were overwhelming the world and when this greatest moment of time came it made people forget about the problems, and all their focus was on this event. The interaction of the speaker, the audience and subject affects the text in a huge way because the audience realizes that what is being transmitted through the cartoon is so true. The subject is really important in this cartoon, and also the speaker accomplished his purpose with the audience.

Man Takes First Steps on the Moon appeals to ethos because of the credibility it builds on the audience in the text “Sir Bernard Lovell, Director of the Jadrell Bank observatory, said: ‘The moment of touchdown was one of the moments of greatest drama in the history of man. The success in this part of the enterprise opens the most enormous opportunities for the future exploration of the universe’” By Sir Bernard Lovell saying such amazing words the audience believes everything that is being said in the text. It also appeals to pathos when “President Nixon, watching the events on the television, described it as ‘one of the greatest moments of our time’ He told Mr. Ron Ziegler, the White House press secretary, that the last 22 seconds of the descent were the longest he had ever lived through”. When President Nixon says this it makes the audience feel proud of what our own people can accomplish. Also it appeals to logos because it gives specific details about the event when saying “It was 3.56 A.M. (British Standard Time) when Armstrong stepped off the ladder from Eagle and on to the moon’s surface. The module’s hatch had opened at 3.39 A.M.” It makes it more credible for the audience.

The speech revealed in 1999 appeals to ethos because the speaker says “For every human being who looks up at the moon in the nights to come will know that there is some corner of another world that is forever mankind”. When the speaker says this somehow it appeals to the values of unity on the audience and they connect. This speech also appeals to logos by saying that “In the ancient days, men looked at stars and saw their heroes in the constellations”. It is using facts from the past that are true as a result the audience most likely will believe what is being said. Pathos is also used in this speech, the audience feels sorry or sad when the speaker says this “These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know hat there is no hope for their recovery”. When he says these the audience automatically feels sorry.

The commentary by novelist Ayn Rand uses ethos when she says “That we had seen a demonstration of man at his bets, no one could doubt—this was the cause of the event’s attraction and of the stunned numbed state in which it left us. And no one could doubt that we had seen an achievement of man in his capacity as a rational being—an achievement of reason, of logic, of mathematics, of total dedication to the absolutism of reality”. Rand saying this makes the audience trust her and believe her because of the diction she uses and also because she is Ayn Rand.

This commentary also appeals to logos because of the logical statement that she uses at the beginning “‘No matter what discomforts and expenses you had to bear to come here,’ said a NASA guide to a group of guests, at the conclusion of a tour of the Space Center on Cape Kennedy, on July 15, 1969, ‘there will be seven minutes tomorrow morning that will make you feel it was worth it’”. Appeals also to pathos when she says “One knew that this spectacle was not the product of inanimate nature, like some aurora borealis, or of chance, or of luck, that it was unmistakably human—with “human,” for once, meaning grandeur—that a purpose and a long, sustained, disciplined effort had gone to achieve this series of moments, and that man was succeeding, succeeding, succeeding!” When Rand says those last words it makes the audience feel proud of humans, us people.

The cartoon Transported by Herblock appeals to ethos since Herblock is the author of the cartoon. It also appeals to logos in a way that the cartoon has facts and events that are true and because of the words he uses to describe the world such as war, poverty and prejudice. The fact the he uses those words it makes the cartoon more logical. Another rhetorical appeal that Herblock uses is pathos because people feel disappointment knowing that the cartoon is true.

The article Man Takes First Steps on the Moon is really effective on achieving its purpose because of all the information that it gives. The purpose was to announce the audience the greatest moment of time and they did. Hours later the spectacular moment occurred, almost the entire world knew about it. The purpose was accomplished, and that makes the text effective.

The following speech, revealed in 1999 had a purpose and it was to honor Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin for doing such amazing job of going to the moon and to tell people how important they are. The purpose was accomplished, because of the connection of the speaker with the audience it transmits what he wants to say. Therefore, the text was effective on achieving its purpose.

The following commentary by novelist Ayn Rand achieved its purpose. Her purpose was to tell the audience how amazing man is, and that although they are so small huge things can be accomplish by then. Something as amazing as going to the moon is something to be amazed. Ayn Rand achieved her purpose on the text; she transmitted her astonishment to the audience.

Transported by Herblock accomplished its purpose. The cartoon made the audience see how focused they were on that huge event, that was when men first landed on the moon. The world was and still is falling apart, but because the greatest moment of time was happening amidst all the chaos of the world people got distracted by this important event. The famous cartoonist accomplished his purpose on telling the audience what really was happening.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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