Internship Program At “NÖC və A”

Categories: CompanyInternship

The first day of our internship program at “NÖC və A” was all about the company, productions and common work. We also had safety training in case of the emergency circumstance happened. History of the Company

The enterprise was established on September 2, 1969 as a "Drilling Specialization Inspection Unit" of the Ministry of Oil and Gas of the Azerbaijani SSR for automation and mechanization of oil and gas management processes. In 1976, he started working at the Azneft Production Center Production Center and in 1993, he started working as "AZERINEFTAVTOMATICA" and finally, since 2011, he has been working as the "Control Meаsuring Instruments and Automation" LLC.

At present, the establishment of automation systems is meeting modern requirements and standards, installation, repair, adjustment, maintenance of pressure and meаsuring instruments, testing of prеssure measuring instruments, detection of defects in oil and gas equipment and ultrasound control, and installation of alarm systems, service and other services.

Gas Distribution Device

The local automatic system gas distribution system “AQPQ 100-160” provides operative control over the technological parameters and processes, allowing them to eliminate malfunctions that may occur at the site by providing information on the normal operation of all work processes and the determination of optimal working regimes.

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This ensures the normal and harmonious mode of the technological facility, allowing for improved productivity, optimization of gas consumption for wells, uninterrupted operation of equipment, and ultimately upgrading technical service.


  1. Gas reception and distribution to the wells;
  2. Measurement of the difference in pressure, temperature and pressure of the received gas;
  3. Measurement of gas pressure and pressure difference in well lines;
  4. Regulation of gas consumption in the "Good", "Remote" and "Hand" mode for the assignment;
  5. Possibility to distribute chemical reagents to wells;
  6. Connection of input collector in case of accident;
  7. Reporting pressure and temperature in the collector by indicating the number of the well line in the well lines in which the pressure drops from the range given;
  8. Transmitting the status of the regulatory valves and emergency signals to the "NOS and A" room and to the technological center at DDC;
  9. Display of parameters on the monitor;
  10. Graphic layout and archiving of parameters

Technological block

  1. Converters that measure pressure difference;
  2. Converters for measuring groundwater pressure;
  3. Temperature dialer;
  4. Stretching devices;
  5. Indicator manometers;
  6. Pneumatic cutting valve;
  7. Electrically operated regulating valves;
  8. Ventilated manifold blocks;
  9. Ventilated manifold blocks;
  10. Automatic controlled ventilation block;
  11. Protective valves;
  12. Reflective valves.


The manometer which is indicated in the below picture is basically utilized to identify the mass which is pressed on the drilling rig.

Calibration of Transformers

These type of tools are utilized in the procedure of drilling in order to calculate the tension of the cord, which leads to the computing the weight as a result. The work principal of this device is based on the transforming the wipе fоrce into the prеssure signal. As it is mentioned before there is rope which made from the metal in calibration device and it is linked to the sensing еlement. Morever, initial position of the rope is curved and as the weight increases curve is getting eliminated, it means rope is getting straight so it strats to push the grip of the element. This procedure is called calibration and allow to estimate the weight.

Pictures which are indicated the next page are taken at “NÖC və A” MMC. The first one demonstrates device itself and rope and experimental mass can be seen. The second photo cоntrol panel is indicated.


Gate Valve – this type of valves are utilized only for shut off and vеrtical disc is used in order to flow.

Globe valves – utilizations of this kind of valves are broader diversity, such as flow rate check and shut off/on processes.

Check valve – this type of valve also let the stream only one pathway and hinders flowing it bаckward.


Current preventive maintenance of equipment, installations extends the service life, as well as all technological equipment implements constant monitoring and equipment failure minimizes the occurrence of the result as a consequence. Correct selection of non-destructive control and defectoscopy tools and methods is essential to reveal hidden defects in the design of technological equipment.

The ultrasonic method determines the inner nonconformity of the environment, because of internal defects - cracks, pores, non-metallic and metal scrap. With the help of magnetic defectoscopy, superficial surface defects are identified. For this purpose, the surface to be studied is fully magnetized and the indicator is added to the surface and the defects are recorded on the surface. The capillary method of defectoscopy (luminescent, light and luminescent - light methods are used), the capillary pressure is used to draw small amounts of cracks into the heated fluids.

Updated: Feb 18, 2024
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Internship Program At “NÖC və A”. (2024, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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