Young's Modulus of Fishing Lines

Categories: Fishing


In this evaluation, I am going 'to explore the homes of fishing line which are thought about by makers when developing them.' 1.


I am going to be concentrating on the kinds of fishing line used. I am going to determine the Young's Modulus of each line to determine their tensile strength and resistance to stretching. In order to do this, I am going to perform an experiment that will measure the YM of each line.

How does it relate to the case study? The results from the experiment will offer me an idea of their ability of being helpful fishing lines.

Specify: Young's Modulus - 'the stress and pressure of a product are proportional to each other. Listed below this limit, for a specific product, stress divided by stress is a continuous. This continuous is called the Young's Modulus.' 2.


If we understand the force of the mass being used on the line, and we understand the area of the line, we can calculate the stress.

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Step the length of the line, and then perform the experiment to observe the modification in length, to get the stress. Afterwards, by utilizing the formula Y.M. = Tension/ Strain to calculate the Young's Modulus. However, there is going to be a percentage mistake we will have to think about.

A greater Young's Modulus might indicate that a particular line has a higher stiffness; for that reason it wouldn't break easily.

Brief Explanation: Stretch a sample of long, thin line across a bench and secure down one side and dangle down the other side, weighted by a recognized mass.

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Location a marker on the line beside a scale. Include more mass, and observe the marker move in order to determine the change in length. Continue till the line breaks. Utilizing the tape-recorded outcomes, determine each line's Young Modulus utilizing the formula.

Fishing Lines and their residential or commercial properties.

The 3 main kinds of line utilized: braided dacron, monofilament and fluorocarbon.

Braided Dacron: 'high tensile strength, high resistance to stretching, both wet and dry...'3

Monofilament: one source states that 'monofilament fishing line due to its chemical properties is stiff with tension'.4

Fluorocarbon: '...don't lose their strength after prolonged immersion in water: as a result they have much less elongation (stretch) under load.'5

We must take into consideration that different companies produce varying quality of lines for each type of line; therefore we cannot assume that all are the same.

Historical/Social/Environmental/Economic Factors

Fishing has always been a significant practice for countless years. Primitive uses were mainly for hunting fish; making it a means of survival. However, nowadays fishing has become somewhat of a sport,hobby, or to some, a profession. It has become a competitive sport between anglers, where everyone seeks to use the best equipment with the best materials. Environmental fears may be that faulty lines break off into the water's depths, where the hooks are prone to being eaten by other fish, that would kill them. This is a waste of money for the angler, meaning that new equipment would need to be purchased.

The reason why I must perform the experiment in a laboratory, and not outdoors is because I will require a license to do anything related to fishing near any body of open water. 'Any angler aged 12 years or over, fishing for salmon, trout, freshwater fish or eels in England (except the River Tweed), Wales or the Border Esk and its tributaries in Scotland must have an Environment Agency rod licence.'6



* We can test the lines in a dry laboratory, using necessary equipment

* We cannot recreate the actual environment where the lines are going to be utilised

* We can't implement the factor of water being a stimulus on the sample line due to its restriction

* We don't have professional equipment, therefore there will be errors and that would compromise the value of the final Young's Modulus for each line

1 Edexcel Limited (2008), Briefing Sheet for Young Modulus case study

2 Coordination Group Publications Ltd. (2008), AS-level Physics - Edexcel - Page 30. , (Researched 10/04/2009)

3 , (Accessed 11/04/2009)

4 , (Accessed 11/04/2009)

5 (paragraph: KNOTS ARE CRITICAL) (Accessed 11/04/2009)

6 , (Accessed 11/04/09)

Updated: Jun 05, 2020
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Young's Modulus of Fishing Lines. (2017, Aug 13). Retrieved from

Young's Modulus of Fishing Lines essay
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