Why The Rich Are Getting Richer and The Poor Poorer

Categories: Globalization

Recently, people have become more and more aware that 'the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer”, and the politics of equalization have revived. Although perception involves the subject of economics, it has hardly been studied. The reason for the neglect is that most people think that it is obviously true. In the fowling, I am going to do more researches to identify if this question exists and discuss about why this issue exits.Are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer still today?

If the “rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer” still exist today? I believe so.

In the journal called “On the Rich Getting Richer and the Poor Getting Poorer”, it examines the effectiveness of RGR, the polarization of income and wealth distribution has not been confirmed by observation. From logical and empirical two aspects, we find that it lacks the necessity (Choi, 1999). In addition, the mobility between the income classes is too large, consistent with RGR.

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In other word, the big difference between poor and rich people is related to the unequal distribution of income and wealth. RGR is only a short-term observation at best. It is wrong to regard it as a long-term trend. The idea of RGR lies in the wrong understanding of the operation mode of the market economy. Even the distribution is hard to be measured; however, the truth is nowadays the distribution of the wealth still unequal and the situation is expected to continue in the future.

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Author also addressed the impact of the society trends on the entrepreneurship. The mistake lies in the static view of the dynamic economy rather than the dynamo regarding to entrepreneurship (Choi, 1999). Entrepreneur is the core value of the development of a country’s innovation. Entrepreneur discovery new opportunities and create assets to the world. They not only contribute to country’s income level, but decrease the wealth difference among different classes of people, and make the whole society better off. The essence of entrepreneurship is not the ownership of value assets, but the discovery of opportunities. Attempts to correct RGR's perceived bias through various redistribution schemes and regulations will only hinder entrepreneurs and reduce liquidity. The misunderstanding of RGR if released in the balance of power politics will lead to a more permanent distinction between the rich and the poor.

Another journal also discusses about if “rich getting richer and poor getting poor” exists. The book based on a research of the rural observation of the details in the change of 46 family’s per capita income distribution from the East Java three representative villages in 20 years (Edmundson, 1994). It gives separate measurements of 'rich', 'middlemen' and 'poor', showing changes in the distribution of wealth, including the unchanging groups in the family and the percentage of their wealth. The relative unfairness of the cohort decreased significantly, and its status improved much faster than that of the rich. The relative percentile is different. In terms of purchasing power, the percentile of the poor and the poor become richer. These data suggest that the view that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer is obviously too general. These poor people become richer.

After identify the question is still exit, in the fowling I am going to find the reason of why it exists.

An interesting journal called “Late Planting Is a Distinct Possibility This Year” explains that in many parts of the country, there will be precipitation or inadequate rainfall (McNamara, Scissons & Gutknecth, 2011). This is similar as the difference of the rich and the poor exist. If you travel through Texas to see Nebraska, they will continue to deal with the strong (wet) deficit. But you don't have to go further to see something positive. This is the fact that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer and poorer.

This example is vivid represents the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer is the common events exist, and it happens in every place around the world. The different areas have different level of difference between rich and poor, which is caused by difference between the development of society policies and culture in long-term perspective.

One things I noticed after I came to Canada that Canada have great pension plan for the retired people and health program for everybody. Before I considered Canadian people are “lazy” because they do not work hard as Chinese people do; in China, people wake up early in the morning and leave work late at the midnight. However in Canada, people either wake up later or get of work early. Everyone live in a slow-pace life. I was curious and asked my host parents that why Canadian people don’t work more time and make more money. They responded me that because Canadian government would punish people if they work over time; moreover, people who work overtime would be charged more taxes than other people. In this case, everyone would get a relatively similar wages, and the difference between poor and rich people will decrease.

Another paper called “Late Planting Is a Distinct Possibility This Year” indicates over the past ten years, educators and researchers focusing on dyslexic children have called for the widespread use of early identification tools and early effective programming (Rutherford, 2013). This call may be the result of what Stanovich calls 'the Matthew effect in reading', that is, when stakeholders delay the identification and support of children with dyslexia. The difference in individual differences in reading will inevitably increase, which leads to the expansion of G. AP is between powerful and struggling readers.

The paper records the longitudinal study about the reading scores of 382 children were collected from kindergarten grade 3. In kindergarten, the children conducted a series of speech awareness measures. Percentile ranking was collected and children were identified as having poorer, average or strong phonological awareness. When children pass grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3, reading materials are collected every spring. The results show that, in general, with children from kindergarten to grade 3, lower grade reading scores may remain at a lower level. In addition, at every progressive data collection point, struggling readers are lagging behind their grade reading. In other words, with each passing year, the difference between strong and struggling readers has increased significantly.

It makes sense that education level might causes the different levels among the rich and poor people. When people gain more knowledge, they are likely to be more innovation and think of how to make better life. Higher education for people not only will increase individual’s assists, but spread the knowledge towards wider environment, such as family and work. In this case, knowledge is the assets for the individuals and the whole countries. In order to decrease the different among the rich and poor, government can increase the education level and improves the century’s income level and GDP level. The author assumes that this discovery is consistent with the 'Matthew effect' - the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

BCS continues a typical example: the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer (O'Connor, 2003). In the journal called “Tulane Univ. President Scott Cowen's quixotic quest deserves some success”, in the first five years of the BCS contract, BCS School received a $500 million bowl game fee. The non BCS School has received about $23 million. The minimum expenditure for each team in the federal Orange Bowl, NOKIA sugar bowl and the Tohti Toth Carnival bowl is $13 million 880 thousand, and $6 million will be distributed in the five non BCS Department i-A meetings and the eight division i-AA League.

The researcher also indicates the level of the education and affects people’s income level, which is contributed to the difference between rich and poor. In the research, differences in resources make it difficult for 53 non BCS schools to compete with 63 BCS schools. Without a big dollar, it is difficult to improve facilities, arrange key away matches, recruit players, attract and retain coaches.

In March 1996, the New York Times published a series of disappointing reports that the dream of opportunity and uplink in the United States has been shattered. This wrong bullshit has invaded the political arena (Hanke, 1996). The paper called “stagnation myth” announced the information includes: Wages and incomes adjusted for inflation are falling; the rich become richer and richer; the poor, the poor; most people accomplish nothing; Job security has become a thing of the past because of company layoffs and If one accepts these conditions, stock market prosperity proves that the interests of the rich are no longer the same as those of others.

Each component is helpful to analyze the difference between rich and poor issues. As the unstable of the inflation rate, the wages are changing all the time. Which means government can control most people wealth though macro-management.

The above has become a recognized wisdom. There is almost no real atom in it. This is achieved by ignoring facts and torturing a set of data until desired results are obtained. Each statement is described in detail.

Despite the existence of the Anti-Corruption Commission in the kingdom of Swaziland (ACC), corruption remains a major problem in the country and has brought serious negative effects on the economy and society (Rutherford, 2013). In paper “Late Planting Is a Distinct Possibility” indicates the main consequences are factor that hindered the development of service. This caused the aggravation and aggravation of the crime and destroyed the morality. Even led to moral decay, and influenced the collection of government income.

Corruption considered as the important factors that contributed to the unequal distribution of the wealth. It makes the economic benefit of a few people and hindered the effectiveness of administrative management. In the end, it causes the poor to become poorer and poorer, and the rich get richer and richer. Moreover, corruption damages the reputation and investment potential of the country.

This article discusses corruption in Swaziland and summarizes its consequences and the role and impact of ACC. Then, from the perspective of analysis, a set of policy measures against corruption is put forward, taking into account the best international practice and national context culture. The answer is corruption.

By looking at the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), Africans, South American and Asian have much higher corruption level than Europe and North America. And the level of the corruption did not improved in recent year. This means that wealth distribution is still unequal.

The book indicates the inequality trends of wealth in America. In this book, Lisa A. Keister combines the theories and data of various sources and presents a detailed picture of the distribution of family wealth from the early 1960s to the 90s. Lisa indicated that there are three classes existing in our real life. They are high class, which own most of the wealth. The study shows that richest 1% own half the world’s wealth (Neate, 2017). And the rest of the wealth is divided by middle class and the low class people. The study also shows that the increasing wealth of the middle class, which means the difference between high class and middle class are decreasing. However, the low class people’ wealth states have not been improved.

The authors use existing survey data and unique simulation models to isolate and examine some processes. This creates this distribution, paying special attention to the ownership and wealth accumulation of wealth owners, those who control the wealth of most families. She also pointed out the trend of wealth movement, which cannot be estimated by traditional research methods. The results emphasize that wealth is an important sign of happiness, find out the important causes of wealth inequality, and propose some ways to reduce the recent increase in wealth concentration.

Overall above analysis, people are still rich getting richer and poor getting poor. The fundamental of this question exists is the unequal distribution of the wealth. As well as the cause of the issues include low level of the education, government control and corruption. However, higher level of education and more entrepreneurs might address this social problem. And the question is expected to turn better or even eliminated in the future.


  1. Choi, Y. (1999). On the Rich Getting Richer and the Poor Getting Poorer. Kyklos, 52(2), 239-258.
  2. Edmundson, W. (1994). Do the Rich Get Richer, Do the Poor Get Poorer? East Java, Two Decades, Three Villages, 46 People. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 30(2), 133-148.
  3. Hanke, S. (1996). The stagnation myth. Forbes, 157(8), 145.
  4. Hope, K. (2016). The Corruption Problem in Swaziland: Consequences and Some Aspects of Policy to Combat It. Journal of Developing Societies, 32(2), 130-158.
  5. Keister, L. (2000). Wealth in America : Trends in wealth inequality. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press.
  6. McNamara, J., Scissons, M., & Gutknecth, N. (2011). A Longitudinal Study of Kindergarten Children At Risk for Reading Disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 44(5), 421-430.
  7. Neate, R. (2017). Richest 1% own half the world’s wealth, study find. Retrieved from
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/inequality/2017/nov/14/worlds-richest-wealth-credit-suisse
  9. O'Connor, T. (2003). Commentary: Tulane Univ. President Scott Cowen's quixotic quest deserves some success. New Orleans CityBusiness, 1.
  10. Rutherford, B. (2013, April 04). Late Planting Is A Distinct Possibility This Year. Beef, p. Beef, Apr 4, 2013.
Updated: Feb 16, 2024
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Why The Rich Are Getting Richer and The Poor Poorer. (2024, Feb 16). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/why-the-rich-are-getting-richer-and-the-poor-poorer-essay

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