The Birthplace of Civilization: Discovering the Wonders of Mesopotamia

Mesopotamia was the world's first civilization-- the very first time individuals settled to cohabit in one place. They didn't have to rely only on searching and event to get food since they understood how to farm and could conserve up food for the winter. Given that they had so much extra time now (the time they utilized to spend searching animals and event plants), this allowed them to start producing items and ideas to assist them live a little simpler.

This slideshow will show some of Mesopotamia's essential creations and accomplishments.

A few of them might surprise you! You've utilized at least among them already today. You can click the play button to view the slideshow, or you can utilize the thumbnails at the bottom to change the photo when you are all set. The most significant achievement of ancient Mesopotamia was the development of a system of writing. They established cuneiform writing and were very advanced in a literary sense offered the time duration.

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Mesopotamia likewise had early advancements in the ideas of creating a legal system with their code of laws called the Hammurabi. It must also be noted that Mesopotamia was the very first civilization to begin utilizing irrigation practices for their farming. His civilizations of Ancient Mesopotamia brought many important advances in the areas of science and innovation.


Perhaps the most crucial advance made by the Mesopotamians was the development of composing by the Sumerians. Go here for more information about Sumerian writing. With the development of composing came the very first taped laws called Hammurabi's Code along with the very first significant piece of literature called the Impressive Tale of Gilgamesh.

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The Wheel

Although archeologists don't understand for sure who invented the wheel, the earliest wheel found was discovered in Mesopotamia. It is likely the Sumer initially utilized the wheel in making pottery in 3500BC and after that utilized it for their chariots in around 3200 BC.


The Mesopotamians utilized a number system with the base 60 (like we utilize base 10). They divided time up by 60s consisting of a 60 2nd minute and a 60 minute hour, which we still use today. They also divided up the circle into 360 degrees.

They had a wide knowledge of mathematics including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, quadratic and cubic equations, and fractions. This was important in keeping track of records as well as in some of their large building projects.

The Mesopotamians had formulas for figuring out the circumference and area for different geometric shapes like rectangles, circles, and triangles. Some evidence suggests that they even knew the Pythagorean Theorem long before Pythagoras wrote it down. They may have even discovered the number for pi in figuring the circumference of a circle.


Using their advanced math, the Mesopotamian astronomers were able to follow the movements of the stars, planets, and the Moon. One major achievement was the ability to predict the movements of several planets. This took logic, mathematics, and a scientific process.

By studying the phases of the Moon, the Mesopotamians created the first calendar. It had 12 lunar months and was the predecessor for both the Jewish and Greek calendars.


The Babylonians made several advances in medicine. They used logic and recorded medical history to be able to diagnose and treat illnesses with various creams and pills.


The Mesopotamians made many technological discoveries. They were the first to use the potter's wheel to make better pottery, they used irrigation to get water to their crops, they used bronze metal (and later iron metal) to make strong tools and weapons, and used looms to weave cloth from wool.

Interesting Facts about Mesopotamian Technology

•The Walls of Babylon were once considered one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. There were actually two massive walls that surrounded the entire city. Archeologists estimate that the walls were over 50 miles long with each wall being around 23 feet wide and 35 feet tall. There were also massive towers at intervals along the wall that may have been hundreds of feet tall.

•The Mesopotamians may have invented the simple machine called the Archimedes Screw. This would have helped to raise water to the heights needed for the plants in the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

•The Assyrians developed glasswork as well as glazes for pottery and art to help it last longer.

•Eighteen different canals have been found that brought water to the Assyrian Empire capital of Nineveh. Through the development of writing, mathematics, metalworking, detailed law codes, and the wheel, Mesopotamians have shown their ingenuity with many different achievements. The world as we know it could not survive without writing. I am writing right now in order to do this paper, and the economy and so much of our lives is dependent on writing.

Although it goes hand-in-hand with writing, mathematics is also a very important achievement of the Mesopotamians. Mesopotamians based their math system on sixty, but it is just as important and influential regardless. Metal work is another great achievement of the Mesopotamians; it improved warfare, made better tools, and is very important in life today also. Law codes, although mostly used as a guideline, helped to keep the peace and gave a true sense of authority and respect for the king. The wheel was one of the most influential inventions of all time, despite its simplistic origins as a potter's wheel and then later a solid way of pulling a cart easier. Writing is by far the most important achievement of Mesopotamian society. Developing from writing on clay "envelopes" as a way of keeping business records, writing was first used as a counting method. Later on, Sumerians, who were the first to develop a writing system, realized that it would be easier to simply write these notes on clay rather than on the round "envelope." The writing system that began to emerge is called Cuneiform and pushing a reed into a clay tablet produced these Cuneiform symbols. However, before the Cuneiform we know today developed, pictograms were used to represent several different sounds or words. These pictograms gradually became more abstract over time, and developed into a system of triangular shapes and lines. Writing promoted a person's social status, if you knew...


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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The Birthplace of Civilization: Discovering the Wonders of Mesopotamia. (2016, Feb 22). Retrieved from

The Birthplace of Civilization: Discovering the Wonders of Mesopotamia essay
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