What E.M Foster Writes About in Howards Ends

Categories: E M Forster Howards End

Howards ends written by E.M foster is filled with philosophical, social and economic settings of England’s society during the early twentieth century. Foster writes of three main families to show the differences in social class, the book shows the conflict as well as merging between some characters from the different social class of England. By placing the characters in three different social groups and presenting with conflict among them , Foster shows a clear and unique understanding of England’s society.

E.D Foster gives the reader a full understanding of life between social class in England during 1900, threw Howards End, by displaying their practices, values, beliefs, and attitudes among them. In the story Howards End By E.D Foster, foster shows and writes about the different social groups in England based on 1800. The three main groups that he represents are the higher class, the middle higher class, and the working class. The way that the different classes are represented you can see the major differences from the wealth all the way to the behaviors and different outlooks on life.

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Henery Wilcox represents the wealthy upper class of England. The wealth class is the head of England, they have power and feel as if they are superior to others. Threw out the story you can see how they interact with others and make it all about business. “ Let me explain the point to you. It is like this. You assume when a business concern is conducting a delicate negotiation, it ought to keep the public informed stage by stage.

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The porphyrion according to you, was bound to say: I am trying all I can to get into the Tariff Ring. I am not sure that I shall succeed, but it is the only thing that will save me from insolvency, and I am trying .’ my dear Helen-“ “ is that your point? a man who had little money has less – that’s mine .” I am grieved for your clerk. but it is all in a days work. It's part of the battle of life. when Lenord lost his job cause from the bad advice that Henrey gave him, Henrey Wilcox simply shrugged it off and just viewed it as a business gone bad. from this conversation, you can see the way that the difference btween the middle class and upper class.

The middle being more personal when it comes to others hardships and the upper-class not being interpersonal and only having an objective of money. 'There always have been rich and poor. I'm no fatalist. Heaven forbid! But our civilization is molded by great impersonal forces', 'and there always will be rich and poor. You can't deny it' -'and you can't deny that, in spite of all, the tendency of civilization has on the whole been upward.' (22.15) Henrey once again agues and shows the opposite then what the shleges believe. in this quote, he shows that money is important and equal to power and that the world will always run that way and it needs it to make progress. Lenord represents the lower working class, despite coming from a home where money is hard to come by he still wants to grow and become better. the working class all had a job which they were born into. Those who had job stuck to them threw out there days. lenord working for an insurance company lost his job caused by the advice that was given to him by Mr Wilcox threw the shlages. when losing his job it was very hard for him to find another position as anything else. 'But Leonard was near the abyss, and at such moments men see clearly.

'You don't know what you're talking about,' he said. 'I shall never get work now. If rich people fail at one profession, they can try another. Not I. I had my groove, and I've got out of it. I could do one particular branch of insurance in one particular office well enough to command a salary, but that's all. Poetry's nothing, Miss Schlegel. One's thoughts about this and that are nothing. Your money, too, is nothing, if you'll understand me. I mean if a man over twenty once loses his own particular job, it's all over with him. I have seen it happen to others. Their friends gave them money for a little, but in the end they fall over the edge. It's no good. It's the whole world pulling. There always will be rich and poor.' Here lenord knows that he was born poor and always will be poor. despite everything he knows that things will never change for him and he will be in the same social status all his life. The shlageles represent the higher middle class in England. the shleges are orphans that have some money from inheritance but not as much as the Wilcox's. they show a deep understanding of what the world is and want to change and help those in need.

Throughout the book, you see how marget develops a personal connection and personal connection to people and things. though despite feeling bad for the more unfortunate than her she realizes the power that money has and its need for survival. in conversation with aunt judy, she realizes what her sister doesn't that at the end of the day they all rely on wealth for their happiness. as quoted 'You and I and the Wilcoxes stand upon money as upon islands. It is so firm beneath our feet that we forget its very existence. It's only when we see someone near us tottering that we realize all that an independent income means. Last night, when we were talking up here around the fire, I began to think that the very soul of the world is economic and that the lowest abyss is not the absence of love, but the absence of the coin.' in other conversation you see the personal aspect and pity that she has for those who are less fortunate than her. 'Oh, how one does maunder on, and to think, to think of the people who are really poor. How do they live? Not to move about the world would kill me.' from this quote you can see that even though she has to move from her home she knew all her life, she still thinks about the poor and how they live.

“The boy, Leonard Bast, stood at the extreme verge of gentility. He was not in the abyss, but he could see it, and at times people whom he knew had dropped in and counted no more. He knew that he was poor, and would admit it: he would have died sooner than confess any inferiority to the rich. This may be splendid of him. But he was inferior to most rich people, there is not the least doubt of it. He was not as courteous as the average rich man, nor as intelligent, nor as healthy, nor as lovable. His mind and his body had been alike underfed, because he was poor, and because he was modern they were always craving better food. Had he lived some centuries ago, in the brightly colored civilizations of the past, he would have had a definite status, his rank and his income would have corresponded. But in his day the angel of Democracy had arisen, unshadowing the classes with leather wings, and proclaiming, 'All men are equal--all men, that is to say, who possess umbrellas,' and so he was obliged to assert gentility, lest he slipped into the abyss where nothing counts, and the statements of Democracy are inaudible”.

Here you see how foster describes Lenord as a man with a lifetime of the struggle of being in between classes not being at the most wealthy but yet not being the poorest and being stuck where he is at in life. Helen is part of the middle class, being very sensitive and dramatic she becomes obsessed with Lenord and tries to make things right. She is is very naive and doesn't see the value that money holds and believes that the elegant man would truly be happy if they live for themselves. 'If we lived forever what you say would be true. But we have to die, we have to leave life presently. Injustice and greed would be the real thing if we lived forever.

As it is, we must hold to other things, because Death is coming. I love Death--not morbidly, but because He explains. He shows me the emptiness of Money. Death and Money are the eternal foes. Not Death and Life. Never mind what lies behind Death, Mr. Bast, but be sure that the poet and the musician and the tramp will be happier in it than the man who has never learned to say, 'I am I.'' Helen takes her wealth for granted she is so used to having money that she forgets the ones around who don't. after being reckless she leaves the bass crippled to fend for themselves to pay the bill. 'The expedition to Shropshire crippled the Basts permanently. Helen in her flight forgot to settle the hotel bill, and took their return tickets away with her; they had to pawn Jacky's bangles to get home, and the smash came a few days afterward. It is true that Helen offered him five thousand pounds, but such a sum meant nothing to him. He could not see that the girl was desperately righting herself, and trying to save something out of the disaster if it was only five thousand pounds. But he had to live somehow. He turned to his family and degraded himself to a professional beggar. There was nothing else for him to do. ' this shows that Helen is too self-involved with being right and not being down to earth about the issues at hand.

Updated: Jan 28, 2022
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What E.M Foster Writes About in Howards Ends essay
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