Unlucky Denver Airport

Categories: AirportMy Unlucky Day

You wonder about the rumors of the famous Denver Airport as you near it with a slight tinge of mixed excitement and fear. This makes you tell yourself that you only have enough time to catch a flight, for you have arrived later than expected. On your way inside, you stop by the suspicious metal statue of a horse standing on its hind legs. You then gaze up at its glowing orangish red eyes. You’ve heard about this before, it’s a strange piece of art, but your imagination wanders even more, with thoughts of many secret messages this could be passing.

Its accompaniment of vast and shadowy clouds on a gray day causes you run towards the entrance, ignoring the concrete sign paving you rush past. Walking in, you see tiles on the floor dotted with unrecognizable letter combinations. You remember the theories that tell you it’s an alien language, and you also remember the murals, but don't bother to look for them.

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You don't have enough time to catch your flight. When you step on the plane, you walk to your seat, b-13. Many other rumors have told you that this is an unlucky number, and that you will get bad luck somewhere on your way to Boston because of the unlucky number. Of course, you don't believe this for many reasons. It’s just a number. This makes you wonder, are these conspiracies really true? The Denver airport is accompanied by lots of conspiracy theories like it’s built by a nazi, the two billion dollars over budget, or the underground tunnels.

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As many theories have, some are truths and others are lies from the top of somebody’s head.

Some theories may state that the Nazi built the Denver Airport. The airport is said to be built by the New World Airport Commision according to the plaques, but the New World Airport Commision doesn't exist. This causes theorists to say it was built by the Nazi group New World Order. (Hoeller, 2017) It is weird that it doesn't exist, but another source tells me it does exist. ¨The 'New World Airport Commission' mentioned on the capstone did exist, contrary to conspiracy claims that there is no record of any such organization.¨ According to Brian Dunning. Both sources can override each other, so choosing between them is a difficult decision. The fact that the New world Airport Commission could or could not exist is what runs people’s imaginations. Doing research, you can easily find both sides. People are also easy trust something. The theory could be as insane as lizard people or time warps, and yet at least one person in the entire population believes this. Maybe, they are right, but that is still a mystery for you to decide which side you’re on.

The airport has gone 2 billion over budget. The airport was two billion dollars over budget. This sparks a fire in many theorists who created many theories. (Hoeller, 2017). Two billion dollars over budget is a lot, which raises plenty of suspicion. Finding a source with an explanation for this is almost impossible, causing more conspiracies. It would be better for them to tell us the reason they went that far over the budget than keeping it consent. There are also many other buildings that went over the budget a bit, but the denver airport cost 4.8 billion according to Buzzfeed. The part of the article was trusted by google, so don't worry about it being not reliable. It’s really crazy that it almost doubled the budget. It would be hard to find another building that did that, maybe impossible. However, it most likely has something to do with the underground building.

Another cause of the many conspiracies surrounding the airport are the underground tunnels. At the beginning of the construction, the original five buildings were built, but only to be built over because it was “built wrong”. (Dunning 2010). This was most likely

Updated: Apr 25, 2022
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Unlucky Denver Airport. (2022, Apr 09). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/unlucky-denver-airport-essay

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