The Themes of Morality in "Touching Spirit Bear" by Ben Mikaelsen

Categories: Novel

Ben Mikaelsen's novel, "Touching Spirit Bear," delves into the complex concept of morality and the transformative power of life lessons. Throughout the narrative, readers encounter a plethora of profound insights that ultimately contribute to the growth and redemption of the protagonist, Cole Matthews. Among these valuable lessons, three key themes emerge: the idea that life is what one makes it, the importance of forgiveness, and the belief that people can change. These themes collectively serve as the cornerstone of Cole's journey toward self-discovery and personal transformation.

Life Is What You Make It

One of the central lessons in "Touching Spirit Bear" is the notion that life is a reflection of one's perspective and choices. This theme is vividly portrayed when Cole, the protagonist, encounters Edwin, a Tlingit elder, during his time on the remote Alaskan island. Edwin imparts a crucial lesson to Cole using a simple yet powerful metaphor involving a stick. Cole is handed a stick, with one end symbolizing happiness and the other anger.

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His initial impulse is to break off the angry side of the stick repeatedly, believing he can rid himself of anger entirely.

However, Edwin's wisdom becomes evident as he explains that anger cannot be entirely eliminated but can be managed. He underscores the idea that individuals have the agency to shape their own lives and experiences. Edwin's words resonate deeply with Cole, leading him to a realization: "All of life is a hot dog. Make of it what you will. I suggest you make your time here on the island a celebration" (Mikaelsen, pg.

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This metaphorical hot dog exemplifies the idea that life's richness and meaning are determined by one's perspective and choices. Just as Cole had the option to create a plain hot dog or one filled with celebration, individuals have the power to define their lives. This profound lesson encourages readers to view life as an opportunity for celebration and growth, emphasizing the transformative potential of a positive outlook.

The symbolism of the sky further reinforces this theme. Cole is presented with a choice: to focus on either the clouds or the sun. Each choice reflects his perception of the weather. If he fixates on the clouds, he anticipates a gloomy day, while focusing on the sun portrays the day as sunny. This choice highlights the significance of one's perspective in shaping their reality. By embracing a positive outlook and perceiving life as beautiful and joyful, individuals can transform their experiences into a celebration of existence.

The Power of Forgiveness

Another pivotal theme in "Touching Spirit Bear" is the significance of forgiveness in the process of healing and personal growth. Cole embarks on a transformative journey that necessitates his willingness to forgive both himself and those who have inflicted harm upon him. His path to redemption is intertwined with the act of forgiveness.

Cole's journey begins with self-forgiveness. He grapples with the deep-seated anger and guilt stemming from his past actions. Garvey, a mentor figure on the island, offers guidance and understanding, encouraging Cole to undertake the "dance of anger" (Mikaelsen, pg. 184). This symbolic dance represents Cole's journey to confront and release his pent-up anger. Through this process, he gradually forgives himself and relinquishes the emotional burdens that have held him captive.

However, the journey toward forgiveness extends beyond self-acceptance. Cole recognizes the importance of seeking forgiveness from others, particularly Peter, the boy he had brutally attacked. To demonstrate his remorse and commitment to change, Cole initiates a plan to bring Peter to the island, offering him a fresh start akin to the second chance Cole himself received through the Circle Justice system.

Forgiveness emerges as a catalyst for healing and transformation in "Touching Spirit Bear." Cole's evolution from a troubled and angry youth to a young man on a path of redemption underscores the profound impact of forgiveness on the human spirit. Through forgiveness, he not only finds peace within himself but also extends the possibility of redemption to others, embodying the novel's theme of personal growth.

The Capacity for Change

The belief that people can change is a central tenet of "Touching Spirit Bear." Cole Matthews, initially portrayed as a juvenile delinquent consumed by anger and bitterness, undergoes a remarkable transformation over the course of the novel. This transformation serves as a testament to the novel's overarching theme that individuals possess the capacity for change and personal growth.

At the outset of the story, Cole is characterized by his unrelenting anger and resistance to change. His unwillingness to confront his past actions and the emotional turmoil within him hinders any prospect of transformation. However, as he grapples with the lessons imparted by various mentors on the island, Cole begins to change both spiritually and mentally.

The symbolism of the island itself plays a significant role in Cole's transformation. He believes that the island has the power to change anyone, as it did him. Driven by this conviction, he endeavors to bring Peter, a troubled boy who had attempted suicide following Cole's violent attack, to the island. Cole's act reflects his belief that individuals, no matter how deeply entrenched in their destructive behaviors, have the potential to change and embark on a path of healing.

The novel's exploration of Cole's journey from anger and bitterness to self-awareness and compassion serves as a testament to the human capacity for change. "Touching Spirit Bear" encourages readers to believe in the transformative power of redemption and personal growth, reinforcing the idea that even those labeled as "troubled" or "delinquent" can undergo profound transformations.


In conclusion, "Touching Spirit Bear" by Ben Mikaelsen explores several compelling themes that resonate deeply with readers. The novel underscores the idea that life is shaped by one's perspective and choices, encouraging individuals to embrace a positive outlook and celebrate the richness of existence. Additionally, the importance of forgiveness emerges as a central theme, highlighting its role in healing and personal growth.

Moreover, the belief that people can change is a cornerstone of the narrative, as exemplified by the protagonist, Cole Matthews, who undergoes a remarkable transformation from a troubled youth to a young man on a path of redemption. Mikaelsen's novel serves as a powerful testament to the capacity for change within individuals, inspiring readers to believe in the transformative potential of personal growth and redemption.

Updated: Nov 07, 2023
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The Themes of Morality in "Touching Spirit Bear" by Ben Mikaelsen. (2017, Jan 09). Retrieved from

The Themes of Morality in "Touching Spirit Bear" by Ben Mikaelsen essay
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