Essays on The Inheritance of Loss

The Inheritance of Loss
Original title The Inheritance of Loss
Author Kiran Desai
Genre Novel
Language English
Characters Saeed, Biju, Sai, Gyan, Nandini, Lila, Prakash, Dilip, Bim, Cook ...
Published 31-Aug-06
ISBN 978-0-374-27656-5
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

The novel follows multiple characters, the main being 16-year-old Sai, who lives in the foothills of the Himalayas with her grandfather, a retired judge. The judge is obsessed with the British Empire and the Victorian era, and Sai is caught between her grandfather’s world and the changing world around her. The novel also follows the judge’s cook, Gyan, who is from Nepal and is struggling to support his family. The novel is set in the 1980s, during a time of political unrest in Nepal and India. The novel explores the themes of loss, identity, and belonging.

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