The Current Social Issues That the LGBTQ Community Faces Today

Throughout society, social issues arise due to change over time as well as individuality and freedom of one‘s unique views and identity occuri Especially in a melting pot such as America. A specific movement I will be speaking of is the issues and discrimination surrounding the LGBTQ community, specifically transgender. lchose this, not because I have an intimate connection, or even any for that matter with the topic, but because while thinking about my topic of issues faced today, I thought of how new this one was, and what a long road we all have ahead of us in order to accomplish some sort of equality or rights to these individuals among this community.

Throughout the course we have discussed many social issues, those of race, political issues, class, sex, and we have even discussed gender. I feel as though most of these issues have been ongoing. They have had many movements, and somewhat of an improvement, as they have been seen since America had begun, The only movement that is starting practically brand new, is the issues the LGBTQ community faces.

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They are a relatively new community facing many issues due to this fact, giving them a long road ahead to hopefully achieve improvement and equality just as other historical social issues have shown.

All of these social issues I have discussed seem to maintain a similar aspect among them, being inequality and discrimination against unique individual, or what society would not consider the “norm”. This is what all issues and unique individuals face in their specific circumstance We have seen and discussed the issues of norms in the society we live in, Norms created by those who have arrived and established America for what it is today.

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Norms that were embedded and taught for generations, Norms that because of the fact they are embedded and taught, are hard to get rid of, or accept those who do not identify to the norms of society. Sex, class and gender have somewhat gradually progressed, though still a long way to go, The idea of the LGBTQ community and gender diversity is a brand new subject much different from other social issues faced, and I believe hold more difficult challenges than the rest. We have spoke about and discussed the idea of how most of these issues are created by society with the use of science. Race, being divided among society based off of the color of your skin, or where you come from. Just as sex is perceived in biological terms, dividing individuals based off of biological factors of what they do or do not possess.

All of these entail materialistic and physical aspects dividing individuals into categories Categories that further presume or determine what an individual will be like, look like, what they will do, and many other things, It either advantages or disadvantages an individual primarily based off of artificial and ignorant reasoning It has been seen in the past with racism, distinguishing blacks from whites, while further impacting the life they live based off of the color of their skin. As well as what we are speaking of, which is dividing an individual and determining their lifestyle based off of whether or not they were born a “girl" or a “boy”. Simply, whichever you were born will determine you for the rest of your life, The importance of this new social issue arose just recently. The idea that if you were born a girl or a boy physically, did not mean you had to “act” like the label you were born as, and now as time progresses, you might not even have to identify as what you were labeled as at birth. This new notion has caused uprising and many issues both socially and politically as more and more people are “coming out” or representing what they believe their true selves are.

Thinking back, my first real impression of a transgender would have to be Bruce Jenner. This is when I had really become aware of the transgender community. It was such a huge topic at the time, being publicized for the world to see. The idea that a former “male” who was an olympian, basically a stereotypical male, wanted to become a women. Not only wanted to become a women, but had always been one, It was so hard for people to believe and come to terms with, especially considering this person's past and their life leading up to this moment. Even I could hardly believe it, thinking it was just media trying to get the public's attention, It got me thinking, how sad it must be for a person to grow up in a way society told them to based of of physical factors, The idea that this person may be completely uncomfortable with his or her physical orientation, but must depict this character they were born as based off of societal norms. As the world was shocked by this, further thinking, it is no different than the social issues raised from race or class, or any political issues. It arises from the same notion of “norms”, biological factors, and inequality that these factors hold among one individual.

To think of society segregating individuals based off of what they look like is completely ridiculous. individuals body can portray a completely different standpoint then the actual person. This causes a lack of individuality among people. People are placed in groups based off of looks, allowing their inner being to remain trapped, It does not allow for individuality or growth. As social issues arise allowing others to become aware of these unrealistic expectations we place among groups emerge, comes more equality and more individuality among communities alike. With these new social issues also comes many controversies, It is not easy for any one facing discrimination, or posing social issues for equality among a specific disadvantaged group.

Norms have become so embedded in societies mind that it is hard to get through, hard to use one‘s Social Imagination to even understand. Even then, they face legal and political issues. In terms of transgender comes the issue of whether or not they should have a seperate bathroom, or go into the bathroom in which they identify, placing fear among society. When in reality none of these things would be an issue if society hadn’t labeled and segregated individuals based off of what they do or do not have. As for the initial issue, comes the hope for equality and rights among this unique individual, and that’s where social movements come in hand. I’ve never been apart of a social movement, but have seen many. I‘ve seen successful and unsuccessful ones throughout living in Massachusetts as well as viewing them on the news, For the successful ones I have witnessed use of violence, discriminatory words and slander.

Among more of the successful ones I have witnessed use of peace, kind words, and powerful and inspirational figures To be a community, to achieve anything, I believe the use of kindness must be a main component. Not putting others down for being different, but hoping for equality as a whole, not power or dominance over the more advanced group, As stated before former Bruce Jenner (Caitlyn Jenner) I believe was a leader for the LGBT community, and a fundamental step in the right direction Using her power and popularity to advance all that are within the community, Spreading awareness, and even publicizing other people facing the daily challenges of being transgender, causing many to become aware of this new social issue. Using her influence on America to make society aware of this community and problems they face. That said, transgender and other individuals within this community still face many issues within society, as well as government and politics Being a fairly new topic, society still has not come to terms with this. For my Reformative social movement I would be focused primarily on political aspects that transgender people face, which impact their lives dailyl Just as sex and race had affected many lives, it took black people and even women centuries to be able to even vote, transgender now face similar issues as a new topic, hopefully to speed up the process which for other issues took many years.

I would reach out and try to use inspirational and popular power (such as Caitlyn Jenner) to spread the topic across the nation Rather than Caitlyn Jenner mostly focusing on transgender being accepted among the community while showing individuals lives as examples, I would primarily try to focus on getting the word out about daily issues they face due to politics and laws Issues that if they achieved equality, would make their daily lives much more bearable and less of a challenge on topics other people do not even have to think twice about, such as the example of which bathroom to use, Furthermore my Reformative Social Movement would be focused on political equality and awareness of these challenges faced by specific individuals I would hopefully use the power and influence of people like Caitlyn Jenner to achieve success. As this topic is a new issue, more and more people are coming out as transgender, yet I feel as though many still are not due to the daily inconveniences and legal reasoning behind it, With a somewhat overall acceptance, or at least acknowledgement of this specific community, political and legal factors must be touched upon to achieve equality through this disadvantaged new community in America today

Updated: Aug 10, 2022
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The Current Social Issues That the LGBTQ Community Faces Today essay
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