Tardiness: High School and Tardy Student

Categories: High schoolTeacher

The researchers would like to take this chance to express their gratitude to each one of the researchers’ family members for their support and considerate valued prayers that made the researchers realize this academic endeavor. The researchers also thank them for their patience during the fresh weeks of long hours that they have spent in the final preparation of this term paper. Sinceregratitudegoestotheresearchers’EnglishTeacherofTandag National Science High School, Madam Joeyconsly L. Valeroso for the insightful ideas she had shared on how to begin and work this research.

Countless thanks to our Lord God Almighty for the blessings and vision he had shared to improve the impact of this work and for supporting the researchers’ in the preparation for the fulfillment of this project. ii Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City Dedication This term paper is sincerely dedicated to the following persons the researchers’ parents who really give patience and big attention with this work.

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Brothers and sisters, who help the researchers in this term paper, Friends and classmates who, in one way or another, had been instrumental to the fulfillment this work. Above all, the Almighty God who had always been Gracious. iii Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City Table of Contents Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ii Dedication - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iii Table of Contents iv Chapter 1: PROBLEMS AND IT’S MEANING Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Statement of the Problem - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2

Significance of the Study- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Scope and Limitation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Definition of terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 Chapter 2: PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF DATA Chapter 3: SUMMARY FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION References Cited - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v Curriculum Vitae - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vi Appendices A.

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Questionnaire B. Pictorials Republic of the Philippinesю

Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City Introduction A tardy student presents lack of responsibility. Being tardy all the time to class shows carelessness and a waste of time. Being on time is not only a duty for students, but also a part of good manners, respect and reputation. Hence, students should know how to value their time and do their best not to be tardy at all times. Tardiness is not much of an issue for students nowadays; to them it seems to be a normal thing. Nonetheless, some reasons that cause the tardiness among students can tell whether it is being committed or not or being peer pressured.

Humanbeingshavedifferentkindsofproblems. Theseproblems include: sleeping on duty, negative attitude to tasks, lack of initiative, sexual harassment, theft, quarrelling, absenteeism, lateness, etc. But Lauby as cited by Dafiaghor (2011) stated clearly that: As a Human Resource professional, I have dealt with plethora of employee issues: sleeping on the job, theft, sexual harassment… but I’ve found over the years, there’s one issue that plagues managers more than all these other issues combined… attendance and punctuality.

That is, people not showing up at all… people not showing up on time. It turnsoutthatmanyschool problemsarecaused bytardiness. What then is Tardiness? Tardiness is an instance of being late, especially for school or work, that is noted down as a misdemeanor. Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City The researchers came up with this study to answer this question. The researchers choose high school students to be the respondents for they can explain what makes them tired. 1 Statement of the Problem This research explores the relationship between school tardiness in high school students.

School personnel, school boards, and parents who examine this data will have a better understanding of school tardiness, related school deviant behaviors. Here are the questions this study wants to answer: 1. Are you tired of going to school? 2. What are the reasons why you are tired of going to school? 3. What do you get for being tardy?

4. Does tardiness do any advantage to you? 5. What instances that you can tell that you are tired? 6. What is your feeling when you are tired? 7. Have you ever experienced being tardy to class? 8. Have you ever told your parents that you don’t want to go to school because you’re tired? 2 Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City Significance of the Study The result of the study will give insights to benefit the following persons. Teachers - it will help them to discover what techniques in teaching for their student will not feel tardy during class.

It will also enhance their especially ability in teaching and will give more healthy lifestyle. Students - they can express their feelings about being tardy. School - the school will be progressive if the students and teachers will work as one.

Parents - it will help them to discover what thing they will do to make their children not to feel tardy every day. 3 Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City Scope and Limitation This research mainly focuses on determining who among the students of Tandag National Science High School are tardy, by handling a survey to some students of the said school. This also aims to get the students’ voice about the reasons that made them feel tardy, and about the other questions given in the survey questionnaires.

The respondents of our survey for our research are 55 students of Tandag National Science High School, from varying year levels. Furthermore, this study is confined only to the students who are enrolled during conduct of this study, which is within the school year 2013-2014. Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City 4 Definition of Terms Research- methodical investigation into a subject to discover facts, to study something methodically Researchers- investigator, Respondents- somebody who replies to something Questionnaire- list containing questions, Teachers- educator, tutor, coach Students- somebody who studies at a school, college or university Survey- to so a statistical study of a sample population by asking questions Tardy- an instance if being late, that is noted down as a misdemeanor.

Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City 5 REASON A B C D No. of respondents 11 50 12 8 Table 1 A tally made based on the students’ answer. Graph 1 The students’ varying reasons for being late in school. Graph 2 The students opinion if they are tired of going to school. Graph 3 The students opinion if they experienced being tardy in their class.

No. of respondent No. of respondent No. of respondent No. of respondent Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City Graph 4 No. of students who has told their parents that they don’t want to go to school because they are tired. DISCUSSION Based on the results from survey, the researchers found out that students have varying reasons for being late going to school, may it be sleeping late, waking up late, the school is far, or being tired of going to school. Table 1 shows the students’ reason why they are tardy in their class. About sixty two percent (62%) of the respondents answered Reason B.

In addition, the number of students who answered Reason A and Reason C is almost the same. More on this, only few respondents answered Reason D as the reason why they are tardy in class. Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City Graph 1 presents the students’ different reasons of their being late in class. 62% of the students considered that waking up late as their reason. 15% answered that they tired of going to school that is why they are late. 14% answered that they are sleeping late that is why they are tardy of going to their class.

As shown in Graph 2, a bigger number of students said that sometimes they are tired of going to school. There are some students who said that “No” they are not tired of going to school. One (1) respondent said that “Yes” she is tired of going to school. Graph 3 present the students’ opinion if they had already experienced being tardy in their class. Almost 22% of the students said that they are tardy in their class. Few students said that sometimes they are tardy or late in class. One (1) said that he is not tardy in their class. Moreover, it was also found that only six (6) students dare to told their parents that they are tired of going to school(basis is the last chart). Seventeen (17) students said that they never told their parents that they don’t want to go to school because they are tired.

Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City Summary findings The main problem of the study was divided into 3 sub-problems presented as follows. Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City 1. To find out why the high school students of Tandag National Science High School are tardy. 2.

To prove that it is possible for the students to come to school and/or attend classes early. 3. To give solutions and prevent tardiness. After a one-on-one interview. The major findings of this study were of follows: oTardiness of the students Tardiness of students is already a habit of other students oReasons why the students are Tardy. The top four reasons in which the students are tardy in their class are waking up late, sleeping late, and the school is far, and tired of going to school. •Waking up late 62% of the respondents say that they wake up late that is the reason why they are late. •Sleeping late

They sleep late because they always use computer. •The School is far Most of the students come to school late because of the transportation. No one will let you ride into their tricycle because it’s too far. •Tired of going to school Most of the feeling of the students when they are tired is sleepy, hungry, and haggard. Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City Conclusions In accordance with the findings, the researchers come up with the following conclusions: 1. It was revealed in this study that the reasons why the students are tardy in their class is because they sleep late and they wake up late.

2. It is found that the students are tired of going to school because they have truckloads of assignment and projects. 3. It was discovered that almost all students are afraid to tell their parents that they don’t want to go to school because they are tired. Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City Recommendation 1. The school staff should tell the parents should off their internet connection during evening so that they will not be goggling their time in the internet. 2. The school must have and encouragement to their student.

3. The school should have an interesting doing or things that can attract the students and they will go to school early. 4. The school should buy one alarm clock in every student and there must have a bus to pick the students up from their houses. Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City References Cited http://www. sf ps. info/DocumentCenter/View/8404 http://www. hult . edu/en/news/hult-labs/2013/april/tardiness-a-display-of- disres pect-or-no-big-deal/ http://www. lausd. net/Cowan_EL/cowan%20crier/Nov%2007. pdf http://eduflow. wordpress.

com/2013/07/13/tardiness-in-schools/ http://udini. proquest. com/view/t oo -late-to -learn-student-tardiness-goid: 30523 9271/ Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City v Curriculum Vitae Name: Baby Jenn Lozada Morado Age: 16 years old Birthday: October 19, 1997 Sex: Female Mother: Judith L. Morado Father: Santiago C. Morado Educational Background Secondary: Tandag National Science High School 2013-2014 Elementary: Tandag Pilot Elementary School 2009-2010 Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City vi Name: Tirzah Hope T.

Maliza Age: 16 years old Birthday: August 11, 1997 Sex: Female Mother: Ruth T. Maliza Father: Dan A. Maliza Educational Background Secondary: Tandag National Science High School 2013-2014 Elementary Tandag Pilot Elementary School 2009-2010 Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City Name: Dinese Apple Jane C. Aranal Age: 16 years old Birthday: July 5, 1997 Sex: Female Mother: Maribel C. Aranal Father: Paquito D. Huerte Educational Background Secondary: Tandag National Science High School 2013-2014 Elementary:

Special Science Elementary School 2009-2010 Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City Appendix A Name: Date: (Optional) 1. Have you ever experienced being tardy to class? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Does tardiness do any advantage to you? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. What do you get for being tardy? _____________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. Why are there a lot of students who like being tardy? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Are you tired of going to school? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 6. What are the reasons why you are late of going to school? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

7. What instances that you can tell that you are tired? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 8. What is your feeling when you are tired? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City 9. Have you ever told your parents that you don’t want to go to school because you’re tired? _____________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ 10. What can you suggest to all middle school for them to stop/prevent tardiness to their student? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City Appendix B Republic of the Philippines Tandag National Science High School Tabon-tabon Quezon Tandag City Making our Conclusions Checking all the Results Checking our papers for the final Submission.

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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Tardiness: High School and Tardy Student. (2016, Oct 14). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/tardiness-high-school-and-tardy-student-essay

Tardiness: High School and Tardy Student essay
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