Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal by Agency

There are several steps that PEACE Domestic Violence Agency needs to follow when writing a grant proposal. It is best to follow each step in the sections requested. Before going through each section, make sure there is grants and funding available that will apply to PEACE Domestic Violence Agency’s type of program. This can be done through the issuing for a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Applications (RFA) (Yuen & Terao, 2003). The RFA (Request for Applications) includes all the information needed for the proposal application.

The RFA (Request for Applications) will include detailed information like important dates and due dates. It also highlights the focus of the funding, eligibility requirements, and what types of program it is looking to fund (Yuen & Terao, 2003).

After PEACE Domestic Violence Agency finds a grant application, the next step is to begin writing a grant proposal. This proposal will be a written presentation of PEACE Domestic Violence Agency’s program plan. This plan will detail how PEACE Domestic Violence Agency will approach the identified needs and problem with PEACES’s proposed course of actions associated with domestic violence.

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A correct grant proposal should include eleven sections, which are of great importance to grantor when requesting funding for a program. The sections that should be included in a grant proposal are as follows: Abstract

Table of contents
Specific aims/background and significance/needs and problem statement Target population
Approaches and methods
Long- and short-term goals
Process, outcome, and impact objectives
Activity plans and scheduling (timeline)
Evaluation plan
Agency capacity and project management
Budget and budget justifications
(Community support)
(References and Appendices)
The abstract for PEACE Domestic Violence Agency will include 45 single-spaced lines or one page summarizing the grant proposal.

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Even though this is the shortest section in the grant proposal, it is actually the most important section because this may be the only section being reviewed. First impression is extremely important in this case. This is why the proposal abstract should be very effective and understandable. The abstract typically includes the following: Name of agency

Type of organization
Purpose and objectives for the project
Specific interventions for the project
Target population: demographic, age, race, gender, SES, special needs, etc. Location(s) and setting(s) of project
Relevance of the proposed project to the funding intentions. TABLE OF CONTENTS

The table of contents in a grant proposal is a structured layout for the reader to be able to find the information they are looking for. It should be clear, concise, and provided enough details to refer to the proper section in the proposal. For PEACE Domestic Violence Agency, the table of contents will also serve as a checklist when writing the grant proposal. It should not be more than two pages. It is one of the first sections to develop during the grant proposal process and the last step to complete. SPECIFIC AIMS/BACKGROUND AND SIGNIFICANCE/NEEDS AND PROBLEM STATEMENT In this section, a brief overview of PEACE Domestic Violence Agency is written. It will include the overall rationale and basis for the development of this program.

The focus of this section is to present the case of domestic violence and why this program is proposing to help domestic violence victims and how PEACE intends to do so. This section is like saying: “This is the current condition: We understand the dynamics of the situation in our target areas and how they affect our target populations. Based on the objective information, professional knowledge, practice experience, and support from the affected population, we propose the following promising interventions” (Yuen & Terao, 2003). Is should also include a needs and problem statement. This section should be no more than three pages. The following are some strategies that may be used to strengthen PEACE’s rationale: Clearly identifies the target group

Meets a client/community needs
Is cost effective
Is a novel approach
Builds upon the work of others
Uses existing resources
Promotes interagency cooperation
Fits with the funder’s mandate/mission
Has the potential of being replicated
PEACE Domestic Violence Agency’s focus in this section would be to address the risk of domestic violence victims in the city of Portland and that it needs immediate assistance. This should be no more than a two-page section. Justify why PEACE should be funded. Include more than statistics to help support the details of this population area. The following are how describing target population: Describe the target environment such as the community, neighborhood, city, district, etc. Describe the population(s) to be served

Whether members of particular groups that have recognized great needs Who and how many will participate or be served
This section will be a layout of how PEACE Domestic Violence Agency intends to bring about changes on domestic violence and the victims they help. This section should be detailed and start off with a summary of PEACE’s goals and plans. It should be a six page maximum. This section also includes and focuses on PEACE’s mission, which is to reduce victim trauma, empower survivors, and promote recovery through direct services. After organizing the vision into a mission and writing down the goals, prepare to focus on the process, outcome and impact. The process objectives for PEACE will describe what activities are being carried out to help achieve PEACE’s goals. The outcome objectives will focus on how well PEACE will do. The impact objectives will identify the results of PEACE’s intervention. Also, include a list of activities and tasks PEACE will complete to ensure the objectives are achieved. These activities specify what is to be done, by whom, and a time frame. EVALUATION PLAN

This section will provide information on how PEACE Domestic Violence Agency can improve its project and program during development and implementation. By developing a model of PEACE’s program and identifying the main points, this will ensure all participants have an understanding of PEACE’s structure and expected outcomes, while focusing on the important elements. Creating evaluation questions should also be included to help determine to the number of people being affected by domestic violence. Developing an evaluation design can also be very helpful to collect data and analyze data. This is be no more than three pages long. This is a very integral section in a grant proposal. AGENCY CAPACITY AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT

In this section, PEACE is to focus on convincing the funder’s that this agency is very well-trusted and is uniquely qualified. It is important to have full confidence in the support of this agency as well as gaining community trust. It should also include track records that provide PEACE’s program capacities and fiscal abilities. A management plan should also be included. Management plan details the staffing and their responsibilities, the chain of command, and the project’s relations to the other programs within the organization (Yuen & Terao, 2003). It should also be no more than three pages. BUDGET AND BUDGET JUSTIFICATIONS

This section will provide a line-item budget for PEACE’s annual items spent in different categories such as personnel, equipment, and supplies. The financial plan should also include the estimated cost for implementing this program and allocating the costs as well. It will show a breakdown of what employees receive what, the costs to run the facility, the supplies needed, and a few others. This model is important to determine the costs needed to run PEACE. It will also show if they are under budget or over budget. This will help ensure the proper funding is provided. It should not be more than three pages long.

Writing a grant proposal for PEACE Domestic Violence Agency will involve a lot of planning, organizing, evaluating, and a critical thinking. Searching for funding can be difficult but when it is found, the proposal writing process begins. By following all of the steps provided, a successful proposal should be written. This grant proposal should be very effective and provide high-quality details because it is the most important factor in funding decisions. The proposal review is the next step toward PEACE receiving funding for this program.

Yuen, F., & Terao, K. (2003). Practical Grant Writing and Program Evaluation. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

University of Phoenix. (2014). Appendix B. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, HSM270 website.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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