Royal Dutch Shell is a global oil and gas company which faced an extraordinary challenge in 2003 when Navjor Singh joined as the Global Marketing Manager. Navjor Singh was previously employed by DaimlerChrysler as the marketing director, which he initially started as VP of customer service relationship management, but based on his skill sets and experience he was the most qualified for Shell’s company situation. Shell’s engineer’s retirement rate increased therefore the number of new recruits doubled to as much as 8,000 in 2008.

Singh insisted a new image was needed for the company and this should be implemented through Marketing by the HR department, ensuring the best people were being recruited. Singh believed there was a powerful synergy between HR and Marketing. Shell’s promoted cultural diversity and always had a global recruiting approach which included recruits from 90 different nationalities. Singh implemented marketing techniques to the recruitment process which resulted in the company becoming the top employer.

The company will continue running the recruitment program and will maintain consistency in “ensuring it has the right human resources to deliver on its promises and achieve worldwide success”.

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1. What functions of HRM are similar to marketing functions? How can thinking about “marketing” a company’s jobs improve the strategic focus of human resources personnel? Functions of HRM which are similar to marketing functions are recruitment and communication. Like marketing HR department has to apply for skilled people to work rather than just looking for candidates to fill a position. Marketers advertise to become a market leader; HR has to create an employer brand.

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Thinking about “marketing” a company’s jobs can improve the strategic focus of human resources personnel by ensuring the right and best candidates apply.

2. If you were planning to use marketing strategies to “brand” a company as an employer choice, what are some of the factors you’d consider? If I was planning to use marketing strategies to “brand” a company as an employer choice there are many factors that should be taken into consideration. Factors include Global VS. Local recruitment, salary demands, environmental factors and market changes/demands. The right tools and processes based on a cost perspective view must also be in placed. I would also ensure that current employees has a high satisfaction level that there work can reflect that they are highly motivated and have pride in working for the company.

Using the method of ‘branding” introduces an opportunity for growth and profitability for the company because they are able to recruit and retain employees in areas where the business needs the most which can result in increase of profit margin. 3. Do you agree with Singh’s statement that in the future, companies will have to apply for skilled people to work for them rather than candidates applying to work at an organization? Why or why not?

Yes, I agree with Singh’s statement because companies need skilled workers who come to an organization with a strong skill set to get the work assigned done. I believe in the future most jobs will require a degree and qualifications will be more specific in job descriptions. Many employers spend a lot of cost in training, so I think allowing the employer to apply for skilled people will be cost-saving. Companies should keep in mind that these skilled workers are always looking for long term and potential growth within the company so a company with limited positions can fail using this method due to high turnover rates.

Bohlander, George, and Snell, Scott. (2012). Managing Human Resources. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning

Updated: Dec 29, 2020
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