Raster And Vector Representations Of Reality Gis Computer Science Essay

The GIS shops information about the universe in a database. This histories for up to 75 of the clip and attempt involved in developing a GIS.

It is of import to see GIS databases as more than simple shops of information. They allow us to abstract really specific kinds of information about world and form it in assorted ways. They should be viewed as a representation or theoretical account of the universe developed for specific application.

A raster based system shows, locates, and shops graphical informations by utilizing a matrix or grid of cells.

A alone mention co-ordinate represents each pel either at a corner or the centroid. In bend each cell or pel has discrete attribute informations assigned to it. Raster information declaration is dependent on the pel or grid size and may change from sub-meter to many kilometres.

Because these informations are planar, GISs store assorted information such as forest screen, dirt type, land usage, wetland home ground, or other informations in different beds.

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Layers are functionally related map characteristics.

A vector based system displays graphical informations as points, lines or curves, or countries with properties. Cartesian co-ordinates ( i.e. , x and y ) and computational algorithms of the co-ordinates define points in a vector system. Lines or discharges are a series of ordered points. Areas or polygons are besides stored as ordered lists of points, but by doing the beginning and stop points the same node the form is closed and defined. Vector systems are capable of really high declaration and graphical end product is similar to hand-drawn maps.

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This system works good with bearings, distances, and points, but it requires complex informations constructions but is less compatible with distant feeling informations.

Comparison of Raster and Vector Systems

It is of import to emphasize that any given existent universe state of affairs can be represented in both raster and vector manners, the pick is up to the user.




Single Pixel

Single Dot


Collection of immediate blocks

Seriess of affiliated consecutive lines that join together to organize a boundary.


Seriess of touching blocks

Single line


Seriess of touching blocks

Seriess of Single lines

Surface Feature

( River & A ; Island )

Banks of river and island represented by a series of touching blocks

Banks of river and island represented by a series of individual lines

Raster information requires less treating than vector informations, but uses more computing machine storage infinite.

Related vector informations are ever organized by subjects, which are besides referred to as beds:

for subjects covering a really big geographic country, the informations are ever divided into tiles so that they can be managed more easy

a tile is the digital equivalent of an single map in a map series and is unambiguously identified by a file name

Datas captured by imaging devices in distant detection and digital mapmaking ( such as multi-spectral scanners, digital cameras and image scanners ) are made up of a matrix of image elements ( pels ) of really all right declaration. This information follows the raster format.

Geographic characteristics in such signifier of informations can be visually recognized but non separately identified in the same manner that geographic characteristics are identified in the vector method they are recognizable by distinguishing their spectral or radiometric features from pels of next characteristics

e.g. a lake can be visually recognized on a orbiter image because the pels organizing it are darker than those of the surrounding characteristics ; but the pels organizing the lake are non identified as a individual distinct geographic entity, i.e. they remain single pels

e.g. a main road can be visually recognized on the same orbiter image because of its peculiar form ; but the pels organizing the main road do non represent a individual distinct geographic entity as in the instance of vector informations

In the yesteryear, the vector and raster methods represented two distinguishable attacks to information systems

they were based on different constructs of information organisation and informations construction

they used different engineerings for informations input and end product

Recent progresss in computing machine engineerings allow these two types of informations to be used in the same applications

computing machines are now capable of change overing informations from the vector format to the raster format ( rasterization ) and frailty versa ( vectorization )

computing machines are now able to expose and cover vector and raster theoretical accounts at the same time

vector and raster informations are mostly seen as complimentary to, instead than viing against, one another in geographic informations processing

Each of these systems of representation has its advantages and disadvantages:





Simple informations construction

Compatible with remotely sensed or scanned informations

Simple spacial analysis processs

Requires greater storage infinite on computing machine

Depending on pel size, graphical end product may be less delighting

Projection transmutations are more hard

More hard to stand for topological relationships


Requires less disk storage infinite

Topological relationships are readily maintained

Graphic end product more closely resembles hand-drawn maps

More complex information construction

Not as compatible with remotely sensed informations

Software and hardware are frequently more expensive

Some spacial analysis processs

may be more hard

Overlaying multiple vector maps is frequently clip devouring

Forming Attribute Data

GIS usage raster and vector representations to pattern location, but how they must besides enter information about the real-world phenomena positioned at each location and the properties of these phenomena. That is, the GIS must supply a linkage between spacial and non-spatial informations. These linkages make the GIS `` intelligent '' in so far as the user can hive away and analyze information about where things are and what they are like. The relationship can be diagrammed as a linkage between:

Location & lt ; & lt ; & lt ; & gt ; & gt ; & gt ; What Is There

Spatial Data & lt ; & lt ; & lt ; & gt ; & gt ; & gt ; Non-Spatial Datas

Geographic Features & lt ; & lt ; & lt ; & gt ; & gt ; & gt ; Properties

In a raster system, this symbol is a grid cell location in a matrix. In a vector system, the locational symbol may be a unidimensional point ; a planar line, curve, boundary, or vector ; or a three- dimensional country, part, or polygon.

The linkage between symbol and significance is established by giving every geographic characteristic at least one alone means of designation, a name or figure normally merely called its ID. Non-spatial properties of the characteristic are so stored, normally in one or more separate files, under this ID figure. In other words, locational information is linked to specific information in a database

It is of import to recognize that this non-spatial informations can be filed off in several different signifiers depending on how it needs to be used and accessed. Possibly the simplist method is the level file or spreadsheet, where each geographic characteristic is matched to one row of informations.

Flat Files and Spreadsheets

A level file or spreadsheet is a simple method for hive awaying informations. All records in this information base have the same figure of `` Fieldss '' . Individual records have different informations in each field with one field functioning as a key to turn up a peculiar record. For illustration, your societal security figure may be the cardinal field in a record of your name, reference, phone figure, sex, ethnicity, topographic point of birth, day of the month of birth, and so on. For an individual, or a piece of land of land there could be 100s of Fieldss associated with the record. When the figure of Fieldss becomes lengthy a level file is cumbersome to seek. Besides the cardinal field is normally determined by the coder and searching by other determiners may be hard for the user. Although this type of database is simple in its construction, spread outing the figure of Fieldss normally entails reprogramming. Additionally, adding new records is clip devouring, peculiarly when there are legion Fieldss. Other methods offer more flexibleness and reactivity in GIS.

Hierarchical Files

Hierarchical files store informations in more than one type of record. This method is normally described as a `` parent-child, one-to-many '' relationship. One field is cardinal to all records, but informations in one record does non hold to be repeated in another. This system allows records with similar properties to be associated together. The records are linked to each other by a cardinal field in a hierarchy of files. Each record, except for the maestro record, has a higher degree record file linked by a cardinal field `` arrow '' . In other words, one record may take to another and so on in a comparatively descending form. An advantage is that when the relationship is clearly defined, and questions follow a criterion modus operandi, a really efficient informations construction consequences. The database is arranged harmonizing to its usage and demands. Entree to different records is readily available, or easy to deny to a user by non supplying that peculiar file of the database. One of the disadvantages is one must entree the maestro record, with the cardinal field determiner, in order to associate `` downward '' to other records.

Relational Files

Relational files connect different files or tabular arraies ( dealingss ) without utilizing internal arrows or keys. Alternatively a common nexus of information is used to fall in or tie in records. The nexus is non hierchical. A `` matrices of tabular arraies '' is used to hive away the information. Equally long as the tabular arraies have a common nexus they may be combined by the user to organize new inquires and informations end product. This is the most flexible system and is peculiarly suited to SQL ( Structured Query Language ) . Questions are non limited by a hierarchy of files, but alternatively are based on relationships from one type of record to another that the user establishes. Because of its flexibleness this system is the most popular database theoretical account for GIS.

Flat, Hierarchical, and Relational Files Compared




Flat Files

Fast informations retrieval

Simple construction and easy to plan

Difficult to treat multiple values of a information point

Adding new informations classs requires reprogramming

Slow informations retrieval without the key

Hierarchical Files

Adding and canceling records is easy

Fast informations retrieval through higher degree records

Multiple associations with similar records in different files

Pointer way restricts entree

Each association requires insistent informations in other records

Arrows require big sum of computing machine storage

Relational Files

Easy entree and minimum proficient preparation for users

Flexibility for unanticipated enquiries

Easy alteration and add-on of new relationships, informations and records

Physical storage of informations can alter without impacting relationships between records

New dealingss can necessitate considerable processing

Consecutive entree is slow

Method of storage an disks impacts processing clip

Easy to do logical errors due to flexibleness of relationships between records

Representing Relationships

GIS have the power to enter more than location and simple attribute information. In some state of affairss, we will desire to analyze spacial relationships based upon location, every bit good as functional and logical relationships among geographic characteristics.

Spatial Relationships

Absolute and comparative location

Proximity of characteristics

Distance between characteristics

Features in the `` neigborhood '' of other characteristics

Direction and motion from topographic point to put

Boolean relationships of `` and, '' `` or, '' etc

Functional Relationships among Geographic Features and Their Attributes.

This includes information about how characteristics are connected and interact in real-life footings. A route web might be classified functionally from the largest superhighway down to the most stray rural route or suburban cul-de-sac based upon their function in the overall transit system. Minor roads and suburban streets `` provender '' major main roads, but are non straight connected to them. As another illustration in measuring wildlife home grounds, assorted environmental conditions function together to specify the optimum life environments for certain species. Within metropoliss, ownership is a functional categorization of great importance as is landuse and districting categorization.

Logical Relationships among Geographic Features and Their Attributes.

Logical relationships involve `` if-then '' and `` and-or '' conditions that must be among characteristics stored in the dataset. For illustration, no land may be permitted to be zoned for residential usage if it lies within a rivers five-year inundation field. Development may forbid in the home ground of some

endangered species.

Databases can be designed to stand for, theoretical account, and shop information about these relationships as needed for peculiar applications.

Topological Relationships

Topology is one of the most utile relationships maintained in many spacial databases. It is defined as the mathematics of connectivity or contiguity of points or lines that determines spacial relationships in a GIS. The topological information construction logically determines precisely how and where points and lines connect on a map by agencies of nodes ( topological junctions ) . The order of connectivity defines the form of an discharge or polygon. The computing machine shops this information in assorted tabular arraies of the database construction. By hive awaying information in a logical and ordered relationship losing information, e.g. , a line section of a polygon, is readily evident. A GIS manipulates, analyzes, and uses topological informations in finding informations relationships.

Network analysis uses topological mold for finding shortest waies and alternate paths. For illustration, a GIS for exigency service despatch may utilize topological theoretical accounts to rapidly determine optional paths for exigency vehicles. Automobile commuters perform a similar mental undertaking by changing their path to avoid accidents and traffic congestion. Likewise an electrical public-service corporation GIS could quickly find different circuit waies to route electricity when service is interrupted by equipment harm.

To see how topology is represented or modeled, it is utile to see an illustration to see how connexions are coded into a database. This involves entering more than utilize the absolute location of points, lines, and parts.


The first measure is to enter the location of all `` nodes, '' that is end points and intersections of lines and boundaries.

Node 2

Node 5


Latissimus dorsi





Node 4




Node 1










Node 3


Based upon these nodes, `` discharge '' are defined. These discharges have end points, but they are besides assigned a way indicated by the arrowheads. The get downing point of the vector is referred to as the `` from node '' and the finish the `` to node. '' The orientation of a given vector can be assigned in either way, every bit long as this way is recorded and stored in the database.







Arc G

Arc A






Arc F





Arc D

Arc B

Arc E













Arc C





By maintaining path of the orientation of discharge, it is possible to utilize this information to set up paths from node to node or put to put. Therefore, if one wants to travel from node 3 to node 1, we can turn up the necessary connexions in the database.

Now, `` polygons '' are defined by discharge. To specify a given polygon, hint around its country in a clockwise way entering the constituent discharge and their orientations. If an discharge has to be followed in its contrary orientation to do the tracing, it is assigned a negative mark in the database.



No of


Arc G

Arc A






A, D, G




C, D, E

Arc F

Arc D

Arc B






Arc E



B, E, G, -F

Arc C

Finally, for each discharge, you must enter which polygon lies to the left and right side of its way of orientation. If an discharge is on the border of the survey country, it is bounded by the `` universe. ''





Arc G

Arc A








Arc F

Arc D

Arc B









Arc E











Arc C



What polygons adjoin polygon A?

To happen the solution, we foremost look to see what curve define polygon A, so we check to see what other polygons are defined by these discharges in their negative orientation.

What is the shortest path from node 3 to node 2?

Trace all arc waies that lead from node 3 to node 2, sum their lengths by ciphering distances from node list. Choose way with shortest entire length.

What polygon is straight across from polygon B along discharge D?

Search for the polygon that is defined by the opposite ( negative ) of discharge D.

Arc-node topology, as this is called, was developed several decennaries ago as a convenient manner of shop information of this kind.

Object-oriented Databases

The methods of file organisation discussed above depend upon the careful description of real-world phenomena in footings of their properties, such as tallness, weight, or age. It is these properties that are stored in the database and together they provide a kind of absent word picture of the real-world characteristic. Much recent attending has focused on how to form this information in ways that more readily stand for the manner users gather and use information about the universe around them. That is, worlds recognize `` objects '' instantly in footings of their entirety or `` integrity. '' Houses and skyscrapers are recognized instantly by signifier and map. The differences can be described in footings of the implicit in properties, but people recognize these from experience.

The thought of `` object-oriented '' database is to form information ( that is group attributes ) into the kinds of `` wholes '' that people recognize. Alternatively of `` break uping '' each characteristic a typical list of properties, accent is placed on `` grouping '' the properties of a given object into a unit or templet that can be stored or retrieved by its natural name.

See the undermentioned state of affairs affecting two ways of forming information about edifices zoned for different utilizations. This information can be broken down into properties, as follows:




( foot )

Minimum Lot

Size ( ft2 )

Maximal Number

of Brooding Unit of measurements



35 foot




























To form this information otherwise, allow us first specify some `` templets '' that reflect the different `` objects '' we wish to include in the database.

SF Single Family

Token 1=Large Lot

Token 3=Duplex

MF Multi-family

Token 2=Low Density

Token 5=High Density

LO Limited Office

Must Specify Predominate Use

Maximum Height=40 ft Minimum Lot Size=5,750 ft2

GO General Office

Must Specify Predominate Use

Maximum Height=60 pess Minimum Lot Size=5,750 ft2

Once these are created, information can be added to our database by mentioning to the templet. The templet maintains in one topographic point all properties held in common by a certain category of object. It may be the instance that slight differences exist between objects of a given class. These differences can be stored as `` items '' or extra properties.

Feature Number





Single Family

Height=35 foot

Large Lot



Family Residence

Height=35 foot






Low Density




Height=60 foot

High Density



Limited Office

Vicinity Needs




City-wide Needs

Although templets and items may be stored in two different files, it is easy to see how this method of organisation alterations the database. It is non simply a procedure of simplication. By utilizing templets, users can come in and recover informations in footings of `` existent '' points. A question might inquire for all `` Single Family Houses. ''

Object-oriented databases therefore have the advantage of forming information in ways that users frequently find easier to utilize. The database has as an intuitive feel because it employs that classs that users employ of course in daily life. For this ground, object-oriented databases are deriving increased attending in GIS.

The Idea of the Expert Systems

If a database has been designed to hive away information about spatial, functional, and logical relationships, the user can present more complex inquiries of the information. That is, the user can plan the system to see a assortment of spacial, functional, and logical conditions during question or analysis. Such attempts consequence in what are termed adept systems or, if carried farther, unnaturally intelligent systems. At there simplest, adept systems allow the user to put `` regulations '' that must be followed as informations is analyzed. These regulations are written to mirror the manner an experient user would compare or judge informations. As more and more regulations are written, the system becomes more expert or `` adept '' at happening solutions with less directed counsel by users.

The point of adept systems is to construct sets of regulations that reflect the kinds of comparings and judgements that experienced users would do. By programming these regulations into the system, more and more of the work of determination devising can be passed on to the computing machine system -- including complex comparings that may be hard or clip consuming for even experient users to set about.

Such systems are of involvement to GIS practioners in many Fieldss including urban planning and resource analysis. Complex issues affecting zoning and land usage can frequently be written in footings of regulations that need to be followed.

At the same clip, following regulations is merely a measure toward `` intelligence. '' The difference between adept systems and unreal intelligence is much in argument. But to be genuinely `` intelligent '' a system must be able to `` larn, '' `` think, '' or `` ground, '' possibly truly to compose its ain regulations from experience. The definition of unreal intelligence is, in fact, still a combative issue. So far, it has been really hard to plan computing machine systems to supply a gloss of human idea procedures. Yet, the potency of such systems makes the attempt resistless. The thought that computing machine systems might one twenty-four hours be able to ground about real- universe environmental and geographical jobs and issues is a ground why GIS theorists maintain an involvement in developments in the country of unreal intelligence.

Updated: May 20, 2021

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Raster And Vector Representations Of Reality Gis Computer Science Essay. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/raster-and-vector-representations-of-reality-gis-computer-science-new-essay

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