Essays on Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go
Original title Never Let Me Go
Author Kazuo Ishiguro

Dystopian Science Fiction,Speculative Fiction

Language English
Characters Kathy, Ruth, Tommy, Miss Lucy, Miss Emily, Mrs Perkins, Mr Stevens, Hailsham Housemaster, Miss Geraldine, Miss Likeness ...
Published 2005
ISBN 9780547259755
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

Kathy, Tommy, and Ruth live in a world where people never age and never die of natural causes. They are clones” who were created to provide organs for humans. As they approach adulthood, they must come to terms with the knowledge that their lives will be cut short when their organs are harvested.Kathy falls in love with Tommy, but Ruth is also in love with Tommy. When Ruth becomes pregnant, Kathy agrees to be the child’s guardian, even though it means that she will never have children of her own.The three friends try to make the best of their limited time together, but they are constantly reminded of their impending doom. When they are finally given the date of their “completion,” they must decide whether to go through with it or try to escape.”

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