Cigarette Smoking and Your Budget

We frequently believe that refering individuals to supporting groups is enough to quit cigarette smoking, nevertheless how about if rather we educate them so that they won't even begin cigarette smoking as walker reference "peace on earth starts in your home", indicating that we require to educate our kids and surrounding about cigarette smoking and its concecuenses. Smoking not just triggers health issues, it can also cause financial issues, and can damage those around you. Smoking cigarettes can have numerous unfavorable effects regarding your health it can cause bronchitis, pneumonia, and emphysema.

According to the center for disease control and prevention "cigarette smoking causes 1 in 5 strokes in the United States", Menaning that an individual that smokes has a greater risk of having a painful and painful death compare to a non-smoker person. Smoking can harm not just you but also those arounfd you. People who smoke in public make choicea for others. for example, when you smoke around a 5 year old tou are essentially choosing for them making them a previously owned smoker.

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Also, when you start suffering smoking consequences you dont do it alone because you family will suffer along with you.

In addition, smoking can not only cause health problems but economically as well. A packet of cigarettes cost o8.75 an avarage smoker smokes about 2 packets a day, which will make an average of 3200 to 6400 per year.this money can be used for food and or clothing. Also, because of the health problems that smoking will cause, smokers smokers will have to spend a alot of money on health care.

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In conclusion, we need to educate our familiar, and friends regarding smoking. Smoking its a very additive habit that will make you nicoti e dependent. Therefore when you try to quit it comes with withdrawal symptoms, to avoid withdrawal symtomps from smoking the best choice is to never start. Smoking will not only damege your health it will also damage you economically, and also thos around you.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Cigarette Smoking and Your Budget. (2016, May 14). Retrieved from

Cigarette Smoking and Your Budget essay
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