Modification of the Earth's Climate

Categories: Weather And Climate

Climate change is the modification of the earth's climate; it is the rising of the earth's temperature. The change in the atmosphere is a result of the human population by releasing heat-trapping gases as we power our modern lives. Greenhouse gases, levels are higher now than at any time ever. Not only does climate change include the rising of temperatures but extreme weather events; such as massive dust storms within phoenix Arizona in 2015, likewise in 2011 a forest fire in Texas following a heat wave resulted in over 1, 000 houses being destroyed.

Shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas; resulting in floods that are causing an increase of death and destruction than any other kind of natural disaster within American and the Caribbean. And a range of other impacts. All of these changes are surfacing because of the human population continue to add heat-trapping greenhouse gases (CFCS or chlorofluorocarbons, this can be found in ingredients like aerosol sprays, liquid coolants and foams.) also (Nitrous oxide this is one of the main ingredients in fertilizer, this is released into the atmosphere where fertilizer is sprayed on crops) to the atmosphere, causing the change in rhythms of climate that all living things have come to rely on.

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"It has been demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that the climate is changing due to man-made greenhouse gases. We are already committed to future substantial change over the next 30 years and change is likely to accelerate over the rest of the 21st century." (Theun). Although humans plays a major role in climate change are also various natural aspects that contribute to the changing of the earth's temperature, some of these are Volcanic eruptions, Earth orbital changes, Ocean currents, and Solar variations.

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Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Modification of the Earth's Climate. (2020, May 16). Retrieved from

Modification of the Earth's Climate essay
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