Mammals Snow Leopards Their Habitat

Geographical Range

Snow Leopards inhabit a large geographic range of 888,034 square miles and are widely distributed throughout the high mountain ranges of Central Asia.This includes the entire Himalayan mountain system,as well as areas in Bhutan, Nepal,And the Siberian area in Russia.Sixty percent of snow leopard steep, rocky and broken down terrain are preferred places for a snow leopard to sleep.

Snow leopards live in alpine and subalpine zones from 900 to 5500 meters or higher.But usually you would find them in altitudes between 3000 and 4000 meters.

In winter they generally migrate to lower elevations like 900 to follow their prey. Snow leopards usually try to avoid forest and cultivated fields.

Conservation Status

Snow leopards are listed as endangered on the IUCN red list because of prey loss,poaching,habitat loss,and persecution.The main factor affecting the population is human activity.Whether they are impacted directly by poaching for fur,bones,and other body parts,they are also being affected indirectly by base prey loss due to humans.

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Pelts appear to the main demand for poachers,but recently there bones have been used to replace tiger bones for a medicine in China.

Mammal Characteristics

The average length of a snow leopard from nose to the tip of its tail is approximately 800 to 1000 millimeters.That is roughly 75 to 90 percent of its total body length. There is no pronounced sexuall dimorphism in the species,however males may be slightly larger than females in general. A characteristic of a snow leopard is its extremely large paw sizes in comparison to other felids.

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The front paws are slightly larger than the hind paws, with an average footpad size of 90 to 100 mm in length and 70 to 80 mm in width.

Physical Description

The base fur color can range anywhere from light gray to smoke gray to cream-yellow, with a white tint generally found on the underbody. The entire body is covered with greyish black spots and rosettes. Rosettes are larger rings encircling smaller spots and are only found on the body and tail, whereas the solid spots are found on the head, neck and lower limbs. Young snow leopards have black stripes across the middle of their back extending from the base of their head to their tail. As they grow and mature, these stripes break up into large spots forming two lateral rows of elongated rings along the center of the back.

Specialized Structures

A specialized structure for a snow leopards is their fur. Its fur is snow white with black dots and lines. The fur is used as camouflage in the snow to sneak up on prey.

Responses to Change

Snow Leopards are found in the mountains of Central Asia Was in their habitat Snow leopards like high , Steep and Rocky places where there are few plants, places that scientist called Alpine and subalpine zones. Snow leopards live in the Alpine Zone in the warmer summer month of the year.

Animal Diet

Snow Leopard are carnivores and actively hunt their prey.They will eat any meat as long as they meet their overall energy requirements.They are capable of killing animals more than three to four times their own weight but also readily settle for much smaller prey in times of need.

Animal Living

In the world of snow leopard is a seldom scene. This is because it lives in very remote places and hunt only at night. It lives on high. It migrates with the seasons. During the summer house in The Meadows and Rocky areas at altitude up to 19000 feet above sea level.

Mating occurs in late winter, and the Cubs are born in April. The young stay in the warm, cozy den for about 2 months. Then begin to  go on hunting trips with their mother. This is close by her until they are about a year old. The snow leopards live for about 13 years in the wild but when they're in captivity they can live up to 22 years.

Animal Behavior

Snow leopards are primarily are most active during dawn and dusk. They are also highly mobile and move from one location to another on a daily basis and shift their bedding site multiple times during a day. Generally, snow leopards remain in one specific area of their home range for several weeks before relocating to another part of their home range.Snow leopards are solitary but pair during mating season as well as share each other’s home ranges. Snow leopards that share a home range maintain a distance of roughly 2 kilometers from the nearest other individual.

Animal Reproduction

The average gestation period of snow leopards is ninety to one hundred and five days.The average number of offsprings is only two offsprings.The average weight/size of an offspring is approximately three hundred to six hundred Grams which is really small.


Updated: Dec 18, 2021
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