Essays on The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Original title The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Author Sherman Alexie
Genre Young Adult Fiction
Language English
Characters Junior, the novel's protagonist, Rowdy, Junior's best friend, Gordy, another one of Junior's friends, Penelope, Junior's crush, Reuben, Junior's grandfather ...
Published September 12, 2007
ISBN 978-1400068251
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is a book about a young Native American boy named Arnold Spirit Jr., who decides to go to school off the reservation. He attends an all-white school where he is the only Native American. He is teased and bullied by his classmates, but he perseveres. He eventually becomes friends with them and even starts dating a white girl. The book is a coming-of-age story about Arnold’s struggles and successes as he navigates through high school and tries to find his place in the world.

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