Essays on Paper Towns

Paper Towns
Original title Paper Towns
Author John Green
Genre Young Adult , Mystery
Language English
Characters Quentin Q" Jacobsen, Margo Roth Spiegelman, Ben Starling, Radar, Lacey Pemberton, Chuck Parson, Jase Worthington, Becca Arrington, Marcus "Radar" Lincoln"
Published October 16, 2008
ISBN 978-0142414934
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

Paper Towns is a novel by John Green. The novel is about a teenage boy named Quentin Jacobsen and his adventures with Margo Roth Spiegelman, his next door neighbor and childhood friend. Margo is a bit of a mystery to Quentin, and he has always been in love with her from afar. One night, Margo shows up at Quentin’s window and convinces him to come out and play a game of revenge on her ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend. Quentin agrees, and the two have a great time.
The next day, Margo is gone. She has run away from home, and Quentin is the only one who knows where she is. He sets out on a road trip to find her, and along the way he learns a lot about himself and what it means to be a friend.
Paper Towns is a coming-of-age story about love, friendship, and self-discovery. Quentin is a relatable protagonist, and readers will root for him as he tries to find Margo. The novel is funny, thought-provoking, and moving.

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Why I Liked Paper Towns
...The author, John Green, uses literary devices such as an analogy such as, “These kids, they are like tied down helium balloons” (Green 104). He also uses an oxymoron, “...cold comfort” Green page 247. Green also uses foreshadowing when Margo ...
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