Essays on Not Without Laughter

Not Without Laughter
Original title Not Without Laughter
Author Langston Hughes
Genre Novel
Language English
Characters Sandy Rogers, Annie, Jimboy, Rufus, Aunt Hager, Uncle Rufus, Mrs Rogers, Mr Rogers
Published 1930 ( Random House )
ISBN 978-0-06-014049-2
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

About Not Without Laughter

Sandy Rogers is a young African American boy growing up in the early 1900s in rural Kansas. His mother, Lila, is a hardworking woman who does everything she can to provide for her family. Sandy’s father, Simon, is a talented musician who is often away from home, leaving Lila to raise their three children on her own. Sandy’s sister, Annie, is a bright and determined young woman who wants to get an education and make something of herself. Sandy’s brother, Luther, is a troublemaker who is always getting into fights and causing problems.Sandy is a good student and does well in school, but he is constantly teased and bullied by the other kids because of his skin color. He is also constantly reminded by his family that he needs to be careful because he is a black boy in a white world.” One day, Sandy has had enough and he fights back against his bullies. This earns him a reputation as a tough guy, and he is soon respected by the other kids.As Sandy gets older, he becomes more aware of the racism that exists in the world around him. He sees how his mother is treated by white people, and how his father is constantly fighting for equal rights. Sandy also witnesses the lynching of a black man, which leaves him feeling angry and helpless.

Despite the challenges he faces, Sandy remains a good person. He is always there for his family and friends, and he never gives up on his dreams. Not Without Laughter is a novel about growing up, family, friendship, and the importance of staying true to yourself in the face of adversity.”

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