Essays on Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass

Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass
Original title Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass
Author Frederick Douglass
Genre Autobiography
Language English
Characters Frederick Douglass, Captain Anthony, Mr and Mrs Auld, Hugh Auld, Sophia Auld, Thomas Auld, Edward Covey, Mr Freeland, Mrs Freeland, Sandy Jenkins ...
Published 1845
ISBN 978-0-486-28499-5
Book Summary
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Table of Contents

This book is an autobiography of the life of Frederick Douglass, who was born a slave in Maryland in the early 1800s. He was sent to work in a shipyard in Baltimore as a young boy, where he learned to read and write. He eventually escaped from slavery and became a leading abolitionist and reformer. He wrote this book to help end slavery and to promote equality for all people.

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FAQ about Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass

How Difficult It Was to Live Frederick Douglass
...Frederick Douglass’s, “Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass,” relates to what has been learned in class since it gives a different perspective of American history since it’s seen through the eyes of the suppressed. The book talks about...
What Frederick Douglass Is Talking About
...In the end, Frederick Douglass was correct. It is a noble thought that the North detested slavery so much that they would go to war to end it. It is conversely an ignoble thought that the South would go to war to preserve slavery. However, neither wa...
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