Essays on Crabbe

Original title Crabbe
Author William Bell


Language English
Characters William Crabbe , the protagonist of the novel, a young man from a wealthy family who runs away from home to become a poet, John Crabbe , William's father, a successful businessman, Elizabeth Crabbe , William's mother, a kind and loving woman, Edward Crabbe ...
Published 1834
ISBN 9781551929166
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

The book is about Crabbe, a teenage boy who is sent to a juvenile detention center after he is caught stealing a car. There, he meets a girl named Gwen who is also in detention. The two of them form a friendship and eventually fall in love. However, their relationship is tested when Crabbe is released from detention and Gwen is not.

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The Book “Crabbe and Why He Ran Away”
...My Father took the other line, lecturing me in what he thought was a reasonable voice about how I should use my God-Given Talents to make something of myself--- which meant getting money in large quantities--- and stay away from left wingers, egghead...
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