Essays on De Officiis

De Officiis
Original title De Officiis
Author Marcus Tullius Cicero


Language Classical Latin
Characters Marcus Tullius Cicero, Lucius Licinius Crassus, Gaius Julius Caesar, Pompey, Cato the Younger, Scipio Africanus, Marcus Antonius, Octavian, Brutus
Published 44 BC
ISBN 978-0-521-30603-4
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

In De Officiis, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus (121-180 CE), best known as Marcus Aurelius, mediates between what is right and what is expedient, taking into account the fact that “to live according to nature” is both right and expedient.The work is divided into three books. The first book discusses the proper role of the individual in society; the second book discusses the proper role of the state in relation to the individual; and the third book discusses the proper role of the individual in relation to the state.In the first book, Marcus Aurelius sets forth his Stoic philosophy that the only good is virtue and the only bad is vice. He then proceeds to discuss the four cardinal virtues: wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation.In the second book, Marcus Aurelius turns to the question of what is expedient for the state. He begins by discussing the nature of the state and its relationship to the individual. He then goes on to consider the different forms of government and their respective advantages and disadvantages.In the third book, Marcus Aurelius addresses the question of what is expedient for the individual. He begins by discussing the nature of the soul and its relationship to the body. He then goes on to consider the different types of people and their respective advantages and disadvantages.Marcus Aurelius concludes De Officiis by reaffirming his commitment to the Stoic philosophy that the only good is virtue and the only bad is vice.

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