Essays on And the Earth Did Not Devour Him

And the Earth Did Not Devour Him
Original title And the Earth Did Not Devour Him
Author Tomas Rivera
Genre Novel , Family Saga
Language Spanish
Characters Tomas, Miguel, Juan, Esperanza, Rosa, Tio Lucas, Tia Victoriana, Padre Nicanor
Published 1971
ISBN 978-0-06-073140-8
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

Tomás, a young Mexican boy, is forced to leave his home and family to find work in the city. He arrives in a strange place and is put to work in a factory. The conditions are harsh and the work is dangerous, but Tomás is determined to make a better life for himself and his family. When an accident at the factory leaves him injured, Tomás is forced to return home. He is sad and disappointed, but he knows that he has to face reality and take care of his family.

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