History Of The Iron Industry

The first iron was likely discovered from fallon meteorites containing iron. Iron is very easily damaged though, which makes it harder to trace the finding of iron than other elements. But artifacts have been found dating back to 5000 BC in Egypt and Mesopotamia. In history, there was a period in history called the iron age. It began around 1300-1200 BC when the iron was cheap enough to completely replace bronze.

The first magnetic element ever discovered was iron. It is called ferromagnetic, which has the biggest force of magnetism.

When it comes to magnetism, all electrons have some magnetic properties. Electrons are negatively charged, which means they are attracted to positively charged protons. When this happens, it is called a magnetic moment. The more electrons in the element, the stronger magnetic field they have. As nails can be picked up with a magnet, so can iron. The iron itself is not a magnet, meaning nails can't be picked up with a magnet, but it becomes magnetized when a magnet is held near it.

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There are many foods that contain iron naturally, like spinach. But other foods have added iron. One food high in added iron is cereal. Some cereals are called fortified cereals, which means that it has added nutrients that aren’t naturally in the cereals. The most common nutrient added to cereals is iron. Now it seems unusual to think that there are shards of metal in food, but realistically, humans need it to survive. Iron is a very important component of everyone’s diet.

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Not having enough iron can mess up the whole body. A lack of iron in a diet can cause anemia. Anemia is a condition that happens when the body has a lack red blood cells. When a person doesn’t have enough healthy blood cells, the cells can't carry oxygen to the tissues throughout the body. This may cause fatigue and weakness, pale or yellow skin, shortness of breath and dizziness, chest pain and irregular heartbeats, and headaches. At first anemia can go unnoticed, but if it continues, anemia worsens. Anemia can be cause if your body doesn't make enough red blood cells, therefore not having enough oxygen in the tissues throughout the body. The body could also destroy the red blood cells it already has. If the body bleeds too much, it could also lose too many red blood cells too quickly. Luckily, anemia can be prevented by eating a diet full of iron.

Even though the most tasty cereals are the sugary, colorful ones, they most likely aren’t the best nutritionally. The amount of iron in each product can be found on the nutrition label. The daily iron level is 13.7-15.1 milligrams per day in children aged two to eleven, 16.3 milligrams per day in teenagers aged twelve to nineteen, 19.3-20.5 milligrams in adult men and 17.0-18.9 milligrams per day in adult women. Iron is one of the only two minerals required to be on a food label.

Updated: Apr 09, 2022
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History Of The Iron Industry. (2022, Apr 09). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/history-of-the-iron-industry-essay

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