Essays on Hatchet

Original title Hatchet
Author Gary Paulsen
Genre Young Adult Novel
Language English
Characters Brian Robeson, Hatchet, Pilot, Mrs Robeson, Brian's mother, Terry , Brian's friend
Published 1-Nov-86
ISBN 0-440-40901-8
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

Brian Robeson is a thirteen-year-old boy who is flying on a small plane to visit his father in the Canadian wilderness. The pilot has a heart attack and dies, leaving Brian alone in the wilderness with only his hatchet to help him survive.Brian must learn how to build a shelter, find food and water, and make a fire. He also must deal with the psychological effects of being alone in the wilderness. Brian eventually learns to survive and even thrives in his new environment.The story of Hatchet is one of courage, determination, and the human spirit. It is an inspiring tale of one boy’s fight to survive against all odds.

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FAQ about Hatchet

Analysis of Hatchet Novel: Story About 13 Years Old Boy Who Survived Plane Crash And Spend 52 Days In The Wilderness
...Brian was so happy to see the rescue plane. He returned back to his mom's house. Brian was informed that he was in the wilderness for 52 days. He did not know how he did it. He did know that he matured very much so in those 52 days and he was very pr...
An analysis of the pilot’s influence on Brian’s survival mentality and how his death sets the stage for the novel’s central conflict.
...In conclusion, the pilot's influence on Brian's survival mentality and his subsequent death play a pivotal role in "Hatchet." Through their interactions, the pilot imparts valuable survival knowledge and wisdom that become instrumental in Brian's jou...
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