Social Norms and Group Dynamics in Classroom Settings

Specific norms are rules that are clearly stated. Implicit standards are difficult for individuals with difficulty with socially-based knowing. Functions within groups are different tasks that various individuals perform and the particular achievements each is expected to obtain (Baron, Branscombe & & Byrne, 2009, p. 384). An example of an explicit role is a teacher for a class. The students in the class play the specific role in the course. The teacher's function is to direct and nurture their trainees. An implicit function that trainees have is that they are simply as likely to have a good deal to provide to the class as a group if the professor can create a safe, accepting environment that motivates the complimentary exchange of concepts.

Standards are rules developed by groups which specify acceptable and inappropriate habits (Baron, Branscombe & & Byrne, 2009, p. 387). Horne (2004) specifically focuses on the sanctions which enforce the rules. A specific standard for the class is that the students come prepared to class, as the roles are clearly mentioned in the syllabus.

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An implicit norm is that students need to pertain to class ready.

Trainees attempt to enforce the implicit standard by letting the trainer know they are prepared for class. An explicit norm is the length of time for classes. The class can differ the implicit norm while sticking to the explicit standard that classes will fulfill the entire length of class time. A few of the initial consequences to deviating from the implicit norm which trainees are that they want the teacher will follow their body language to let class out early.

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This reinforces the explicit standard that they will concern class ready, breaching their implicit standard that they will not get involved in class.

The professor can uses a form of sanctioning called Jeopardy. Professors can have students clear their desk so that students cannot attempt to enforce the implicit norm that class will dismiss early. Rewards are provided by group assessments. Creating accountability, both to the group and to oneself by creating a grading system that balances group work, daily grades, and tests is the best way to ensure a fairly smooth and regular routine to the classroom. Students unwilling to meet these explicit norms will ideally move on quickly to other courses where the implicit norms are more likely to be met or choose to adjust their behavior.


Baron, R. A., Branscombe, N. R., & Byrne, D. (2009). Social psychology (12th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

Horne, C. (2004). Collective benefits, Exchange interests, and norm enforcement. Social Forces, 82(3), 1037-1062.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Social Norms and Group Dynamics in Classroom Settings essay
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