Essays on The Glass Menagerie

The Glass Menagerie
Original title The Glass Menagerie
Author Tennessee Williams
Language English
Characters Amanda Wingfield, Tom Wingfield, Laura Wingfield, Jim O'Connor, Mr. Wingfield
Published 1945
ISBN 978-0-8222-0572-8
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

The Glass Menagerie is a play by Tennessee Williams. The play is set in the Wingfield family’s St. Louis apartment in the 1930s. The play centers on Amanda Wingfield, a former Southern belle who is trying to raise her two children, Laura and Tom, on her own. Amanda is overbearing and often critical of her children, but she loves them deeply. Laura is a shy, introverted girl who is crippled by a hip injury. Tom is an aspiring writer who is frustrated by his job in a shoe factory. The play focuses on the family’s struggle to make ends meet and their relationships with each other.

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FAQ about The Glass Menagerie

What was the American Dream in the 1940’s?
...However, since the figurines are made up of glass, they can easily be shattered. Amanda’s dream turned into a nightmare as her husband abandoned her with a crippled daughter and an escapist son. Tom’s dream of escape was shattered with his consta...
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