Essays on My Antonia

My Antonia
Original title My Antonia
Author Willa Cather
Genre Historical Fiction
Language English
Characters Antonia Shimerda, Jim Burden, Mrs Shimerda, Mr Shimerda, Ambrosch Shimerda, Pavel Antonovitch, Peter and Wick Cutter, Mrs Cutter, Tiny Soderball, Lena Lingard ...
Published 1918
ISBN 978-0-8085-1756-0
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

My Antonia by Willa Cather is the story of a young man named Jim Burden, who tells the story of his childhood friend, Antonia Shimerda. Antonia is a Bohemian immigrant who comes to live with her family on a farm in Nebraska. Jim and Antonia become close friends, and Jim comes to admire Antonia for her hard work and her love of life. However, Antonia’s life is not always easy, and she faces many challenges, including poverty, the death of her father, and the loss of her home. Despite all of these difficulties, Antonia remains optimistic and determined to make the best of her life.

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