Essays on Don Quixote

Don Quixote
Original title Don Quixote
Author Miguel Cervantes
Genre Novel
Language Early Modern Spanish
Characters Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, Rocinante, Dulcinea del Toboso, Aldonza Lorenzo, Miguel de Cervantes, Alfonso X
Published 1605 (Part One)1615 (Part Two)
ISBN 978-0-15-602775-8
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

Don Quixote is a novel by Miguel de Cervantes. The novel follows an old man who takes the title name, “Don Quixote” as he believes himself to be a knight in search of adventure. A young man named Sancho Panza accompanies him as they travel together. They encounter many characters during their travels who laugh at Don Quixote’s belief in chivalry and the middle ages. Despite humorous and sometimes tragic mistakes, Don Quixote is a hero of sorts as he attempts to help those in need while also remaining true to his beliefs.

Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quixote was published in two parts, in 1605 and 1615. Part one of the novel introduces the reader to Don Quixote, a middle-aged Spanish gentleman who has read so many chivalric romances that he has become deluded, believing that he is a knight errant. He sets out on a quest to right all wrongs and vanquish all evil, accompanied by his faithful squire, Sancho Panza. The two get into a series of comic adventures, in which Don Quixote’s idealism is constantly thwarted by the reality of the world around him. In the second part of the novel, Don Quixote and Sancho return home, but Don Quixote’s delusions persist. He continues to believe that he is a knight, and he gets into more comic situations as a result. Ultimately, he is brought back to sanity by a series of events that lead him to believe that his quest has been successful. Don Quixote is a funny, yet tragic, portrait of a man who is out of touch with reality. It is also a satire of the chivalric romances that were so popular in Cervantes’s day.

The first part is the most famous: it tells the story of an old gentleman who sets out to become a knight in shining armor. The book is considered one of the most important works of Western Literature.

Themes and Symbols in Don Quixote

There are many themes and symbols in Don Quixote, but some of the most prominent ones include madness, love, and chivalry.

Madness is a central theme in Don Quixote. The entire story is based on the premise that Don Quixote is a madman who believes he is a knight. He goes on adventures, fights windmills, and tilts at imaginary dragons, all in the name of chivalry. His madness is both a source of comedy and pathos, and it ultimately leads to his downfall.

Love is another important theme in the book.

Don Quixote is madly in love with Dulcinea, an imaginary woman who he believes is the most beautiful woman in the world. He is willing to do anything for her, even if it means putting himself in danger. His love for Dulcinea is ultimately his undoing, as he is constantly thinking about her and not paying attention to what is happening around him.

Chivalry is a central part of Don Quixote’s character. He is a self-proclaimed knight, and he constantly talks about the code of conduct that knights must follow. He is always seeking out adventure, and he wants to help those who cannot help themselves. However, his chivalry often gets him into trouble, as he is constantly getting into fights with people who he thinks are behaving in a dishonorable way.

All of these themes and symbols come together to create a rich and complex story that has been enjoyed by readers for centuries.


The Historical Context of Don Quixote

Don Quixote, the novel by Miguel de Cervantes, is set in the context of sixteenth century Spain. The book tells the story of an middle-aged man named Alonso Quixano who, after reading too many chivalric romances, goes insane and decides to become a knight-errant. He soon finds himself in a series of comical and often dangerous misadventures.

While Don Quixote is a work of fiction, it is heavily based on the historical reality of sixteenth century Spain. Cervantes was himself a veteran of the Spanish navy and the country was in the midst of a long period of religious and political turmoil. The book offers a satiric look at the social and political issues of the time, as well as the chivalric romances that were so popular.

Don Quixote has been praised as one of the greatest novels of all time and its influence can still be seen in literature and popular culture today.

Critical Reception of Don Quixote

Don Quixote is one of the most well-known and beloved literary characters of all time. However, not everyone has always been a fan of the character or the book. In fact, there has been a great deal of critical reception of Don Quixote over the years, both positive and negative. Some of the earliest critics of Don Quixote were actually contemporaries of the author, Miguel de Cervantes. These critics felt that the book was a satire of the chivalric romances that were popular at the time. They also felt that the character of Don Quixote was a mockery of the ideal of chivalry.

Other early critics, however, saw the book as a work of genius. They praised Cervantes for his ability to poke fun at the foibles of human nature while also celebrating the ideal of chivalry.

In the centuries since the book was first published, there has been a great deal of critical debate about the true nature of Don Quixote. Some critics see him as a tragic figure, a man who is deluded about the world around him but is ultimately noble in his intentions. Others see him as a comic figure, a man who is foolish but ultimately harmless.Whatever one’s opinion of Don Quixote, there is no denying that he is one of the most important and influential literary characters of all time.


Don Quixote is an important book in Western Literature. It’s a story about a man who wants to be a knight and helps others despite the fact that most people think he’s crazy. Don Quixote is one of my favorite books because it shows how even though we might not always get what we want, we can still do great things with our lives if we believe in ourselves

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