Fiction-writing mode

Categories: Fiction

Rhetorical modes are methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least 2 tips for writing each type of rhetorical device.

Rhetorical Mode

|Narration |The purpose of a narration is to| | Start with asking yourself if |

| |tell stories. Narrations can be |Chronological order, which is a method of |you want to write a factual or |

| |factual; story based on events |organization that arranges ideas according to|fictional story.

Next, make a |

| |as they happened in real life, |time, is the best organizational method for |plot summary, which is a |

| |or fictional; made up or |narration. |paragraph or outline that |

| |imagined | |describes only the main events |

| | | |that drive the story forward. |

| |The purpose of an illustration |Order of importance, which is a method of |First, decide on a topic that |

|Illustration |is to clearly demonstrate and |organization that arranges
ideas according to|you are interested in writing |

| |support a point through the use |their significance, is the best |about.

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Secondly, vary the phases|

| |of evidence. |organizational method for illustration. |of illustration you use. This |

| | | |way, readers will stay engaged |

| | | |in your writing and ideas. |

|Description |The purpose of a description is |Spatial order, which is a method of |Does your writing follow a flow?|

| |to make sure the audience is |organization that arranges ideas according to|Good writing is focused. Is |

| |fully immersed in the words on |physical characteristics or appearance, is |writing written for a purpose? |

| |the page. The writer describes |the best organizational them. |Good writing is grammatically |

| |his or her world through sensory| |correct a

Updated: Apr 19, 2023
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Fiction-writing mode. (2016, May 25). Retrieved from

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