Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O'Connor

Categories: Short Story

How old generations can see the people? There is a good theme of integrations in the short story that was written by Flannery O'Conner's Everything That Rises Must Converge and it published in 1965. The story is about a young man (Julian) who represents the new generation and his mother who represent the old generation. O'Connor focuses on the theme of appearance, identity, and communication in this story.

The story began when Julian waiting for his mom to get ready for her class at the YMCA.

After Julian's mother gets ready and dresses up she looks to herself as she wonders if that new hat suits her or not, but Julian told her to put it on. Julian's mom believes in racism, she sees herself above all people, most of their disagreement around this point. He always thinks of how to teach her a lesson. When Julian and his mom get into the bus, a black woman came to ride the bus too with her little son.

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She sat beside Julian's mom, she wears as her hat; they look no differences between them. Julian thinks this is a good lesson for his mom to see herself as equal to people.

O'Conner points to appearance and identity through Julian's mother. She always is careful to be first in her YMCA class. Also, she takes care of her appearance and what she wears. She came to the class wearing a hat and gloves because she thinks dressing well will reflect her identity. Julian's mom always sees herself superior to other women in her class, she relishes by talking about her educated college son especially she is an only woman who had educated son.

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Another aspect shows how Julian's mom cares about appearance, she told her son to back on his tie and without a tie, he looks like a- thug.

O'Conner's (281) after her son putting his tie on, said that he is restored to my class. And true culture is in the mind, the mind. But his mom answered its all in the heart and how you do things and how you do things is because of who you are. O'Conner's (281) Julian said that the true culture in her mom's mind because his mom still believes in how they will look. O'Conner's point to the communication in the story, Julian's mom starts making conversation with other passengers that aimed she is a white woman in the bus I see we have the bus to our selves O'Connor's (282) when she sees the bus almost filled with white people. Julian's mom turn her conversation to talk about her educated son and he is a typewriter salesman and he plans to be a writer. On the other side Julian starts to make a conversation with the black man who sits beside him but he fails to engage with him. Also, Julian doesn't make a conversation with the black woman with protruding teeth. From these points, Julian looks like his mother believes in racism.

The conflict between Julian and his mother is about how and where they live. She always talks about her grandfather and what he owned. That will make her life happy under negative convictions. Where you are now. O'Conner's (278) he said that because they live in a measly neighborhood. The disagreement between them is that Julian's mom still lives in the old generation believes, she doesn't understand she live in a new generation, there is no difference between the people. Julian judges her that knowing who you are is good for one generation only. He said again the old manners are obsolete and your graciousness is not worth a damn. (293) Julian said that after carver's mom facing his mother. He points to the time of people who accept graciousness is due.

At the end of the story, Julian's mom feels angry with the black woman (carver's mom) who wears the same hat as her. In her belief by giving a little boy (carver) a penny that will make her different and superior of the black women. But the carver's mom stared at her he doesn't take anybody pennies. Julian's mom feels sick and sat on the sidewalk. She starts calling people from the past calling her grandfather and the nurse. She dies on the street the tide of darkness seemed to sweep him back to her, postponing from moment to moment his entry into the word of guilt and sorrow. O'Connor's (294) Julian ran toward the light for help but he just sees darkness everywhere. That is maybe he worried about his mom's situation or maybe he will feel guilt and sorrow. (294). The goal of O'Connor's to write this story Everything That Rises Must Converge" is to show the differences between old and new generations and how they think in racism. O'Connor uses Julian and his mother characters to represent for that.

My personal view toward O'Connor's Everything That Rises Must Converge appears in this aspect from my life. In my home country most old people thinking as Julian's mother. I saw my grandmother doesn't agree with my aunt to invite her friend (whom from specific tribes) for celebration. When I read this story I remember how my grandmother thinks. I saw that action from my grandmother but the rest of my family doesn't believe in racism. I feel sorry about people who think like my grandmother.

My personal awareness from this story that Juliann's mom believes in racism. Julian believes in racism too because he can't able to make communicate with black people. He makes a friend from Negros just to frustrate his mom. Julian feels superior to others by having college education. Julian doesn't satisfy with his home, he always imagines having a house in a town. Also, in my opinion, Julian uses the wrong way to disagreeing with his mom, instead, to let her know little by little there is no difference between the people but he always makes her angry. But at the end she dies and leaves him alone that will make him feel guilty and sorrow.

In my conclusion, to change someone believes don't use a hard way for changing their mind. no one can accept that because they think this will destroy their dignity. I realize that from Julian's mom maybe she will change her mind if Julian gave her feeling she is the best mom.

Work Cites

  1. O'Connor's, Flannery. They say/ I say: Everything that Rises Must Converge. Macmillan, 1965.
Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O'Connor essay
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