ELYSIUM: An Ultimate Form of Joy and Faultlessness

Categories: ArtPsychology

ELYSIUM: an ultimate form of joy and faultlessness. It is for sure no matter how advanced and how technologically developed the world gets, at the origin of all it was nature - and possibly it is reason in the world today it is seen a return to using naturally obtained products plus defensible and sustainable fabrics. We can not forget our grounds, and the Elysium gives the vision that one is back in a Wonderland of the nature and that is where everyone's soul, at the very end of the day, tends to be, that is a place where Nature brings you pleasure.

It is a heavenly feeling. In religion, Paradise is a place of special glee and amusement. Often compared to the sorrows of human civilization: in paradise there is only peace, prosperity, and happiness. Paradise is often termed as a "higher place", the sacred place, in difference to this world, or underworlds such as Hell.

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their work is an inspiration from foundation of nature and creation of the non-existence .Guo Pei has entirely worked on theme "Elysium". She do not feel limitations when putting a piece together in fact her most of collections such as "Beyond", "Garden of souls" are inspired by the nature ,fantasy ,wonderland and the foundation of nature. And promotes mutual scenario but in way different perspectives .These unique and wonderful turnovers within one theme makes her every collection phenomenal and worth it.

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More over "Fendi "by Karl Lagerfeld collection "Flowers from other world". Otherworldly in the fantastical sense; there are no blue poppies in real life, but in his imagination .The creation of the non-existence inspires a lot . furthermore One main part of the theme is The Paradise Cave -the spectacular, outstanding and dreamlike structured cave. Paradise Cave in Vietnam expresses to it name - this" secretive paradise" is one of the sensations of the glorious and supernatural world. All of creations here look like workings of art; some are so intense. It is ultimately hard to consider that they are creations of the nature. Paradise Cave holds a stunning, magnificent and supernatural structure that explorers easily ponder about a dreamland palace on earth.

In certain, the structure of pillars and spikes here maintains a sparkling, fanciful attractiveness beyond the imagination of human. Interestingly, the refined and outstanding beauty of the cave is progressively revealed when light shines on several magic spikes.one of the things that look like it to the features of paradise is firstly of course the name and secondly that it has seashores, a watercourse, forest, even clouds.(Sunlight get in through spots where the roof distorted thousands of years ago). All of this under one roof this is an exceptional case where one can find different systems of nature in one place sharing one roof and are internally connected, and the connections are so amalgamated it seems to be one place, it gives such an unusual sight stunning the viewer with the magnificence and making possible; the impossible thing which is beyond a human sight and mind .One cannot think of seeing all of it together but nature possesses its paradise.

In 17th-century English poet named John Milton (1608-1674) wrote an impressive poem "Paradise Lost" .The first account was published in 1667.A second version followed in 1674, it is considered by criticizers to be major work of the Milton. "Paradise Regained" is related by name to his previous and more well-known impressive poem Paradise Lost, with which it shares similar spiritual themes. Elysium references in classical literature are as following ; in poet Homer's ,poem"Odyssey", Elysium is defined as a paradise. The Greek verbal poet Hesiod refers to the "Isles of the Blessed" (desert island of the blesses) in his poem "Works and Days". Poet Pindar's poem"Odes" describes the prize waiting for those living a virtuous life. In poet Virgil's poem"Aeneid", "Aeneas", like "Heracles "and "Odysseus" before him. Virgil describes those who will travel to Elysium. In the Greek historian Plutarch's "Life of Sertorius", Elysium is described wonderfully .in post classical literature it is referenced from , Dante's epic "The Divine Comedy", Elysium is stated as the abode of the blessed.

In Paris, the Champions-Elyse's hold their name of the Elysian Fields, first applied in the late 16th century to an earlier rural gardens behind the royal French palace of the Tuileries. The term and idea of Elysium has had impact in modern popular culture; references to Elysium can be found in literature, art, film, and music. Examples include the "New Orleans" neighborhood of Elysian Fields in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire. New Orleans' Elysian Fields also provides the second-act setting of Elmer Rice's The Adding Machine and the musical adaptation adding Machine (musical). In his poem "Middlesex", John Betjeman describes how a few hedges "Keep alive our lost Elysium - rural Middlesex again". In his poem "An Old Haunt", Hugh McFadden sets an Elysian act in Dublin's St. Stephen's Green Park "Very slowly solitude slips round me in St. Stephen's Green. I rest: see pale salmon clouds blossom. I'm back in the fields of Elysium". In spring and All, William Carlos Williams describes a dying woman's "elysian drool upon the folded handkerchief" .

This theme Elysium relates to anyone who dreams of it. This dedicate a heavenly fantasy, where everyone can dream, and the hope that every soul easily embraces attractiveness, recognizes the meaning of life, and finally finds the origin of life and its own soul. The Paradise ,Heaven ;everybody has been dreaming of ,something that has not been seen till yet but heard of ever since ,what if that is visually represented ,a part, scene , form or a glimpse of paradise is revealed this will develop a curiosity and would turn out to be phenomenal. As a whole it shows no matter what more this world turns out to be, the foundation will remain same.

Updated: Dec 29, 2020
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ELYSIUM: An Ultimate Form of Joy and Faultlessness. (2019, Nov 28). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/elysium-an-ultimate-form-of-joy-and-faultlessness-essay

ELYSIUM: An Ultimate Form of Joy and Faultlessness essay
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