Education as the most important factor in the development

Categories: DevelopmentEducation

Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country. Do you agree? The statement is about education is one of significant factor to build a modern country. And I, as a writer, believe that the statement is true. First of all, a country needs societies who have much knowledge that are useful. When societies have much awareness and that are usable, they can help government to build a perfect country that is appreciated by the other countries.

For instance, some societies can take a part into ministry to distribute their ideas about developing country easily. If societies do not have some abilities about something important, they are difficult to share their information especially if they do not have useful part in government, people will hard to accept them. Afterwards, a country can be recognized by the other countries when it has societies that it can boast.

When a country have became famous, all of countries, automatically, will make good cooperation with it, and it will be one of the best country in the world.

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On the other hand, some people claim that a country that wants to be a development country does not only need education, but it also needs some experiences to create great communication. They believe that a country can be perfect when it has many experiences that can make the other countries interest to make good cooperation. Sometimes people who have have fine communication experiences understand how to influence someone and they have known what they should do to make the other people fascinate.

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Finally, I agree that education is one important section to in the development country even though the other people think that a country does not really need education. So, what is your ways and ideas to create a perfect country?

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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Education as the most important factor in the development. (2016, Aug 17). Retrieved from

Education as the most important factor in the development essay
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