Earthquakes National Geographic

The energy stored on the earth’s surface is emitted as earthquakes occur. When earthquakes are more frequently correlated with earth surface shifting, minor earthquakes may also occur far from plate margins. Some earthquakes are frequently connected to rock fault lines. Shock Waves Once energy is absorbed onto the earth, shock waves are going in either direction. The deep stage where the rapid activity is taking place is considered the focal point. The epicentre is the location where the shock waves touch the crust of the planet immediately.

Measuring Earthquakes

A seismograph tests an earthquake’s length, size and intensity. A calculation at the Moment Magnitude Scale is assigned the amplitude which indicates the sum of energy released by an earthquake. The Richter scale was replaced by the Moment Magnitude Scale in 2002. The scale is 10 times higher per point than the corresponding point. This indicates, for instance, the 1985 earthquake in Mexico City, which is an 8.0 magnitude earthquake, was ten times worse than the 1989 San Francisco earthquake that has been 7.

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0 magnitude.

Effects of Earthquakes

Primary Effects

The Primary Effects include earthquake-related impacts, such as structural destruction and dead people. Secondary Effects Secondary effects are short-term consequences of the earthquake, such as funerals or homeless people.

Tertiary Effects

Tertiary effects are the consequences that happen in a while of an earthquake companies shut down, reduced tolerance, etc.

Place and Effect

While earthquake intensity is significant, other factors may affect damage and death. Those comprise: Distance from the Epicentre—The waves of energy lose strength as they disperse.

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Level of Preparation—the number of fatalities from collapsed buildings is significantly minimized by structural systems built to survive earthquakes. Population Density—for heavily populated centres harm and loss is more severe than in rural areas. Time of Day—It creates a difference in terms of accidents and incidents whether the individuals are home or outside. Season—side effects become even stronger during winter from earthquakes. Types of Land that Cities are built on—the impact of earthquakes is magnified by silt and reclaimed terrain.


The tsunami is an underwater displacement of a collection of crashing destructive waves. A landslide, a meteor strike, an earthquake or any national disaster can frankly lead to movement. Lines of a tsunami are tens of meters strong waves of salt. Times may differ among minutes and hours between waves. While tsunamis are just coastal regions, they may have a massively disruptive force.

Indian Ocean

On 26th December 2004, in the western coasts of Sumatra, the underwater earthquake prompted the death of more than 275 000 people and overwhelmed coastal areas with waves of up to 30 meters in height, culminating in many devastations on the western shore. The disaster is most generally named the Asian tsunami or the Boxing day earthquake, historically recognized as the Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake. The most critical hits were Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand.

The earthquake, which lasted about 10 minutes, was about 9.2 the second-highest ever recovered earthquake. The wave was so strong that the entire world vibrated up to 1 cm. The scale of the destruction and the suffering of the victims stunned the world and contributed to a global emergency response. The developing countries were funded with over $23, 500, 000 in emergency aid.

East Japan

A 9.0 magnitude underwater earthquake occurred on the evening of 11th March 2011 at a distance of 32 km off the East coast of Japan. At a depth of 70 km. The island of Honshu, Japan’s largest island moved 2.4 meters to the east. A 65-foot portion of the seafood was elevated by 5 to 8 meters as a consequence of the earthquake. A major tsunami hit heights over 40 meters exacerbated by the subsequent water displacement. Up to ten kilometres of flooding water moved inland to cover any part of the route. More than 15, 800 casualties, 27, 000 injured, and more than 3, 000 unidentified, reportedly buried. More than one million structures have been demolished or damaged in half. Over 4.4 million homes had no power and 1.5 million households had no water. The tsunami also caused the collapse of Fukushima Daiichi inhabitants of the nuclear power station within a distance of 20 kilometres from the site.

Volcanic eruptions take place as molten rock, also known as magma, pushes its way up to the top of the earth through cracks or earth crust collapses. It’s called lava when the magma which flows from a volcano. Lines which correspond with the collision zones on earth are the most active volcanoes.

Volcanic Landform Features

Volcanic eruptions will rapidly and spectacularly create landforms. Many eruptions are violent and some aren’t-based on the magma’s density. Several volcanoes can run rustic and flow from the volcano effortlessly. Such a flood of lava is rarely a danger to human existence because it gradually drives citizens away, however it does kill towns and cities on its path.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Earthquakes National Geographic. (2020, May 03). Retrieved from

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