Depression Disorder - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Imagine waking up every day finding yourself in a dark isolated place, you feel as if your existence is meaningless and the only emotion that consumes your mind is sadness. This is what depression feels like, at least for me. About a year ago I experienced a string of traumatic events that have greatly affected my life for the worst. And at the time I found it hard to cope with. Ever since then some days have been better than others. Depression is a very serious mental disorder in which someone has persistent feelings of intense sadness lasting more than a few days. It can affect not only the person’s internal thoughts and moods but also their physical health and the people around them. Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States, thankfully it can be treated. I believe that understanding what depression is, how it develops, who it affects, and the different forms of treatments available can help individuals in society get the help they need.

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