Death is a process

Categories: DeathHealth

Death is a process where all biological functions to cease functioning where an individual is unable to communicate, perform different functions as well as interact with his/her relatives. This process is an unpleasant situation which may lead to grief to individuals close to the person (Singh, 2014). Death is a common thing in the healthcare sector where nurses are trained on how to address such situations. However, the first experience is always traumatizing to majority of nurses. Due to the increase in chronic illnesses and accidents, nurses experience the death of individuals on regular basis (Singh, 2014).

The first time I was presented with someone who died involved a patient who had died after being involved in an accident. The person looked healthy, as his physical body parts were intact. I did not believe that the person was dead as I tried to examine if he was dead (Singh, 2014).

His relatives were also hopeful that he was not dead and this made it quite hard for me to break the news to them.

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Some of the imaginations that I had involved if the patient was one of my relatives (Shelly & Miller, 2006). Death is a painful process for everyone who is involved as this affected the rest of my day's activities as the thoughts of the dead person clouded my mind during that day and week. I felt that God was not loving, as the hurt that his relatives suffered was evident after breaking the news to them (Shelly & Miller, 2006). However, I later learnt that God is loving and death is part of life for everyone on this earth until the day Jesus comes back to take his people.

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People should not be afraid of death (Psalms 23:4). If I would not have had that experience, my view of death would not be deep as today. This is because I am able to understand, relate, and comfort people who have lost their loved ones.


  • Life Application Study Bible: New King James Version. (2013). Carol Stream, Ill: Tyndale House Publishers.
  • Shelly, J. A., & Miller, A. B. (2006). Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic.
  • Singh, M. (2014, January 10). Your Health. Why Hospitals And Families Still Struggle To Define Death. NPR News. Retrieved from
Updated: Apr 13, 2021
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Death is a process. (2019, Nov 23). Retrieved from

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