Essays on Daisy Miller

Daisy Miller
Original title Daisy Miller
Author Henry James
Genre Novel , Crime Fiction
Language English
Characters Daisy Miller, Frederick Winterbourne, Randolph Miller, Mrs Miller, Mrs Costello, Mrs Walker, Giovanelli
Published 1879
ISBN 978-0486264736
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

The novel “Daisy Miller” by Henry James is a story about a young American girl, Daisy, who goes to Europe with her mother and younger brother. Daisy is a carefree and vivacious young woman, who loves to socialize and have fun. She quickly becomes the center of attention wherever she goes, and she doesn’t care what others think of her. However, her actions and behavior are not always appropriate for a young lady, and she often finds herself in situations that are not quite proper. Daisy’s mother is always trying to control her daughter and keep her from doing anything that would reflect badly on the family. However, Daisy is determined to live her life the way she wants to, and she eventually gets herself into some serious trouble.

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