Biometric Attendance System

Abstract :

In the recent years,many companies and organizations are using traditional biometric attendance system for taking attendance of it's workers or employees.This will keep track of employee's attendance i.e he has logged into the office or not but it will not keep track of whether the employee is present at the workplace or not.In this modern era,it is seen that after giving atten dance many employees fly away from their workplace to escape from doing work.

This paper focuses on Andriod Attendance system where an Andriod device will be used instead of Biometric Attendance System. Here, the entire workplace will be a wifi zone. An an driod application will be developed in java and android and installed into employee mobile phone which connects to wifi whenever the employee enters the wifi zone. So connection or disconnection of mobile phone to the wifi will determine whether the emplo yee is present in the workplace or not. Keywords: Server,wifi, android attendances


In this digital era,biometric attendance system has brought more precise system to measure group or individual's activities and attendance as well.

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Biometric a ttendance machine captures your unique biological/physical feature such as your finger print for identity verification and allows you to login into the office without manually entering your login details in the register which is time consuming.

Biometrics provide added security.Biometric attendance system use advanced technology to scan fingerprints. With a biometric attendance system,employee attendance is accurately logged.You can prev ent time theft and attendance abuse.

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The ?ngerprint sensors are set up in front of the entrance or exit door to identify each employee and record his login details.

The disadvantage of Biometric Attendance system is an employee uses his own ?ngerprint to op en the door for his colleague to leave.So, the ?ngerprint sensor can't ensure the physical presence of an employee in the workplace.To reduce this misuse of Biometric attendance system an android application is developed in java which can track the prese nce of employee.

Nowadays mobile phones has become a part of human body and we canno t imagine our lives without it.S o,we have developed an a ndroi d application which should be installed in the employee's mobile phone.The mobile phone alone with an android ap plication cannot detect the physical presence of employee in the work place so,we have made the entire workplace into a wifi zone.whenever the employee enters the workplace he should connect his mobile to that specific wifi and then login into the app usin g his userid,password and fingerprint.

These details are cross -checked with the database. If details entered by the employee and the details present in the database are same then the employee has successfully logged in.The connection or disconnection of the android device to the wifi will determine whether the employee is present in the workplace or not.



There are four modules in the proposed system:

  1. Admin web application: admin can login using userid and password. Admin can be able to add employee details with their fingerprint.
  2. Extracting Features : When admin will add fingerprint it will extract the features from images and it will store in to the database.
  3. Employee Android Application : Employee can login usin g there emp_id.
  4. Web server : From android mobile employee has to upload there fingerprint, via web server it will check into database fingerprint is matching or not.

Methodology Used:

Android Technology Fingerprint comparison MVC Architecture for web application Mobile Wi -Fi

Hardware & Software

Requirements: Hardware


System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz. Hard Disk : 500 GB.

Ram : 4 GB Any desktop / Laptop system with above configuration or higher level

D. Software Requirements: Operating system :Windows XP Professional / Windows7 Coding

Language : Java (Jdk 1.7),

Database : My -SQL 5.0

Database GUI : SQLYog

Elipse tool : Eclipse Indigo

Android : ADT bundle One smart phone E. System

Design: - There are two main actors HR -Manager(Admin) Employee

Expla nation of the diagram:

The admin can login into system using his/her user ID and password to view employee attendance details or to add the details of the new employee and fingerprint into database. Firstly the employee has to connect his Andriod device(Mobile) to the Wifi of the Company.

The employee can login into Andriod app using his userid, password and fingerprint. If the details present in the database and details entered by the employee are matched then the employee has logged in successfully .


Use case diagram of admin :

Web Application :

  •  Login Employee Registration Fill Employee Details Emp
  • No must unique Upload Finger Print of Employee Employee Management View Employee Details Edit Employee Details Change Finger Print Delete Employee Record View Per Day Attendance Select a Date Display IN
  • Time and Out -time of all employees Logout

Use -case diagram of user:

 Andriod application:

  • Login Enter userId
  • Enter password
  • Upload fingerprint
  • Cross -check with database

Android App Functionality during connecting with Wi -Fi Wait and Scan for Known Wifi connection If known Wifi is there connect with it and get the WiFi_Name If WiFi_ Name Company_Wifi_Name then stop Ask Employee to upload the Finger print (FP) Image Fetch the Emp_No from mobile DB Send FP Image, Emp_no and TimeStamp to Web Server Wait for Acknowledgement msg from server Display to the Employee. Andriod app during disconnection of wifi: -


Here we have developed an android app which helps to detect the presence of an employee in the office and view his attendance details. By using this Andriod attendance system we cannot detect the location of an employee. So,we can add an additional feature in this android app which can detect the location of an employee and all his activities


- The proposed system is more secured than conventional mode of attendance. The system is capable of tracking location of the employee device. If the device is connected to the Wifi then the employee is present within the company premises. If the employee leaves office premises then the device will get disconnected to the wifi. So, the employees cannot give their attendance from outside the company premises. The system is user friendly and efficient. Attendance information can be accessed at any time by the admin.The easily accessible data allows the employees to check their attendance details.


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Updated: May 19, 2021
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Biometric Attendance System. (2019, Dec 17). Retrieved from

Biometric Attendance System essay
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