Americans and Civilization

Categories: Slavery And Freedom

The image represents American to the way of civilization and is also symbolic to how this country is still oppressed. The first thing I noticed is the men carrying baskets, the basket contains humans. Humans and big rocks are shown in this image. The physical setting of this image is a mountain. There are many descriptive words in this image, some of the words are ignorance, civilization, vice, cannibalism, slavery, brutality, superstition, and barbarism, among others.

Alternative hypothesis, there is a relationship between the burden of Americans and civilization.

There is no relationship between the people being carried in the baskets and citizens who are carrying them to the top of the mountain.

The image was made to show the hundreds of Americans who were facing trials on the path of becoming civilized. In the image, two men carrying a giant bucket full of people walking toward a new beginning the will only benefit their kind, their nationality, and their people.

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Even though they are trying hard, the big rocks are in their way, and there is no hope for the two weary men reaching to the man at the top. The deeper meaning of the happening of this image struggles America was acting in search of civilization. Which indicates, that Americans stole people to enslave them, to be able to create a civilized establishment.

After examining this image, I learn many lessons. The first lesson was that even though civilization is an admired end for the Americans, it was to come at a cost.

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The second lesson was that slavery, ignorance, among others, were the primary barriers to achieving civilization. The third lesson I learned after analyzing this image was that civilization required a combined effort from Americans.

If this image was to be completed today, it would compare. There will be an addition of the hurdles toward civilization, such as cybercrime. However, some of these civilization in this image will remain. For instance, racial discrimination, which cripples the effort of Americans (Frank, 2016).

America is still struggling to achieve civilization. The hurdles of civilizations continue to shape America considering what people had to go through. American civilization is as perfect as its ability to address challenges of civilization, such as ignorance and unwillingness to change (Frank, 2016).


  1. Frank, A. (2016, June 7). What Makes America (And Civilization) Great. Retrieved November 6, 2019, from
Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Americans and Civilization. (2019, Dec 17). Retrieved from

Americans and Civilization essay
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